Friday, June 30, 2006

Feeling good

Well yesterday I didn't end up going to Hankou. Barb called me on MSN and said that she was going to the pool and I could join her if I want. So I decided to do that instead. We hung out there at the pool for while then Richie came home and we had beer. Then Gerald and Andy (other German friends of Barb and Richie) invited us over to Gerald's place for a few drinks. So the three of us went over and had a good time with Gerald and his chinese wife and Andy. After we left there Barb and I went to WBS to have a drink. Richie wasn't in the mood for staying. One of the reasons why we wanted to hang out longer was the fact that I remembered that yesterday was the mark of my 10 month anniversary in China.
Anyway, I got home pretty late watched some TV and then went to bed. This morning I went out and ran some errands and Mr Ye finally brought me my passport. I'm in business now! So I'm gonna finish cleaning my room today and complete my packing tonight. Then I have to get ready for the night of big fun that will be happening tonight. I told Matthew that that I would pop in for an hour or so to his soiree that he'll be having upstairs and Annaick said the same thing. Then we'll all take a cab out to CC and have dinner there. Then good times will begin
Anyway, I heard from Tricia-Leigh and now I know when and where to meet her so I'm super excited about that. I'm not sure how many more updates I'm going to be able to do. If this isn't the last one for a while it's pretty close. Hopefully my next posting will be in San Francisco or in Las Vegas if not then, my next posting will be once I'm back home in Canada. Thanks to everyone who has supported me and is waiting for me on the other side. Thanks to all the other people that are just out there, reading this blog and getting a window into my life. I can't wait to get home. I have a list of things I must do and I can't wait til I could just cross them all off. Thank you again and I'll be around to entertain you again soon.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Coming along

Well yesterday morning Mr Ye came to my room and collected all my receipts for my expenses. I had to remind him again that the money had to be in US cash. He once again gave me that surprised look. I made plans to go over to Barb's house to have a dip in the pool but Mr Ye told me he would be right back. What was I thinking waiting for him? He made me wait all day and then I find out that he wasn't actually going to come back. However we all got our paychecks. So that was a bit of good news but then Mr Ye says to me that he will pay me in RMB now and then tomorrow I could give him back the money and he would change it into US dollars. Ok. This makes alot of sense. Anyway, no real point in arguing. I had some money so now I knew that I could go over to Barb and Richie's place and not be concerned about how late I stay because before I wouldn't have had enough money to take a cab back home.
Anyway, Barb made a lovely dinner then her, I and Richie chatted for a while. Then Richie was tired from work and went to bed early. Barb and I ended up talking till after 3am. It was really great. Confessions and tears and laughter and the past and the present and the future. It was a great talk. Anyway I was thinking about staying but I figured it was probably best that I go home. When I got home, I couldn't sleep and stayed up watching TV. I didn't go to bed till 5:30 this morning and woke up to Mr Ye banging on my door at a quarter to twelve. He came to collect the cash I had, show me the cash he had from my ticket reimbursement and said that he was going to take it all to the bank today to have it changed and almost assured me that my passport will be with me tomorrow. So I guess I'm almost there.
Today I'm thinking about taking my last ferry ride into Hankou and going to my favourite Thai restaurant for lunch. Also probably get my last taste of squid chao kao before I go too. I was thinking of inviting Annaick and Lillis or maybe even Matty stix to go with me but I'm thinking against it. I just kinda want to be alone I guess. Don't know what's going to happen for dinner tonight but tomorrow Annaick and I made plans to go to Cafe Brussels for dinner because it would be her last time more than mine but the owner has to move locations soon and I want to know where he will be so that if he moves before I come back, I will know where to look for him. Plus he has really awesome mussels and I want to have those. I told Barb and Richie and they said that they would meet us there and then we would all go to CC and then on to HBS like always. Matt from upstairs was having a soiree at the frathouse on Friday night and I sorta hated to disappoint him but I told him that it was unlikely that I would be there. If I was, then it wasn't going to be for a very long time. Can't always get what you want.
Anyway, I'm gonna get going. Just a few days away. I'd have to say I feel scared, excited and nervous.


PS, if anyone has seen my best friend, Tricia-Leigh, could you please tell her thatI would like an email from her asap so that I could know what she's doing. I know what I'm doing and if she checks her email, she will know too. I need to hear from her soon. I don't have a lot of time left.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The little darlings

Well yesterday was the last day of school and I just couldn't wait to get through it. I played a game with class E in the morning and then after that when I went to class D the math teacher wanted the period so no class there. Then after lunch, class F was cut in half because something like 15 kids were sick. Although I really don't think they were because that is a little suspicious that 15 kids who don't even live together all get sick right around exam time. But anyway. So I played a game with the remaining kids and ended up hugging each of them individually before I left. Then I had class E again in the afternoon but I was really hoping that another teacher would take the class. Anyways, I made the best of the situation and had small conversations with some of the kids in english. They really liked it because now they got to show of what they learned and I felt good because for once I was having a conversation with them that I could understand (alot of time they speak to me in chinese and I have no clue what they are saying). Then during the recess I went over to class D to say bye and ended up hugging each of them individually too.
Later, I just hung around my room playing guitar and procrastinating at the fact that I have to clean my room and wash my clothes before I go. I will be sure to do that today. Well maybe not necessarily today but before the end of the week for sure. Way later in the evening yesterday, Sheena, Valerie, Barb and Richie met me, Annaick and Lillis at the restaurant for dinner. We had a great time laughing it up and making jokes about Richie from Saturday night. Sheena is Richie's boss' wife. She's Chinese (of course) and she talks alot. It's just blah blah blah blah blah with her. Anyways I guess because there were so many of us at the table she wasn't able to dominate but there were a few moments when I could have put a gun to my head.
Anyway, last night was the last time I was going to see Valerie until September. So we said our good byes and until next times. I came home and stayed up late watching tv. This morning, I had a good sleep in. No classes. No teaching and later I'm gonna be meeting Barbara for a dip in the pool. Annaick and Lillis might come but Lillis still has her residency permit issue to be dealt with with Mr Ye and I'm still waiting on my passport.
Gotta love this crap


Monday, June 26, 2006

Let's try not to kill Mr Ye.

Ok, yesterday was a bit of a roller coaster. It started off well with my late start in the morning. Then I thought I would be doing the speaking part of the exam for my own students then I found out that I was actually doing it for some of the grade 3 classes. So I got to see the kids in 3A, 3B and 3C. Funny thing is that alot of them knew me from saying hi on campus. It was fun. Then I had a quiet lunch and back to work in the afternoon. Actually I should say "work". I had class E right after lunch and I just figured I didn't want to do anything so, Lily had them read the story and I sat in a chair at the front of the class trying my best not to fall asleep. Anyway, that class was finally over and then I had to go over to class D but when I got there, the math teacher wanted that period. Well who am I to prevent my kids from getting all the math they need? I mean it is an important subject. So with deep regret I gave her the class and.......... Oh! Who am I kidding? I was incredibly happy. I said buh-bye to her and the kids and now I had the rest of the afternoon off. So I'm hoping the same happens today. In any event that was the good part of my day. Here is where the roller coaster takes a down turn. I saw Mr Ye in the hall and reminded him that I needed my passport back. He says, in true chinese fashion, no problem no problem. Then he asks me if I have already purchased my ticket. I'm thinking "Um, you told me that you got that email I sent about me already purchasing my ticket and the costs that were incurred and the money that should be coming to me in US cash by the way" but I just told him yes and reminded him that it was on Sunday morning that I was leaving. Then he says that they will be going tomorrow (which is today) to take care of this and that he would try his best. Excuse me? There is no try your best. This is a it-will-get-done-or-you-will-die-by-my-hand-situation. So I'm just freaking out a little bit because he has to get my residency permit extended before I go and I need my passport in order to.......oh I don't know, leave the country? Hey Mr Ye, I know the concept of advanced notice is foreign to you but could you have atleast tried to take advantage of it? Anyway, I was talking to Matt last night (we're cool again) and he said that Mr Ye had his passport and he was expecting to get it back on Wednesday. So I might get it then or maybe by the end of the week. But the end of the week is pushing it for me. I would prefer Wednesday. This actually reminds me of when I was getting my visa to come here. I literally got it on Friday and was leaving on Monday. Anyway, I'm just gonna send Mr Ye another strongly worded friendly email to remind him of the situation and about my money.
Anyway tonight we have plans with Barbara and Richie and Valerie to go to the restaurant for dinner. So that should be a good evening. I'm going to try to go to Giano's tomorrow because I told Jane I would try to see her before she and/or I left and she is actually leaving on the 29th. Then we still have to go to Cafe Brussels because there is going to be some changes that moves it's location by the time I get back so I may not be able to find it in September. Plus I have to go to Zhongnan Lu as well as walking street in Hankou to get my last taste of the best squid chao kao, as well as go to my favourite Thai restaurant. So many things to do, so little time to do it in. Time is ticking away.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Good rest of day

Well yesterday afternoon was an unexpected surprise. Lillis told me that Annaick was taking her to the store and that we should all go and it would be a bit of fun. I had to buy some sugar so I figured that was a good excuse to get out. Anyway, we took the bus to Zhongnan Lu. Lillis got to see this part of town a bit and I got to see a pair of sandals I'll be buying at the end of the week. Anyway we walked over to Carrefour and did a small bit of shopping and then we decided that maybe we should just walk home. It was a beautiful day and we hardly ever do any long walking anymore. So we walked home. It was a great walk. It took maybe 2 hours but it was a great 2 hours. The sun was shinning, even though it as hot and humid there was a breeze so it made things better. Plus we found a new shortcut so that worked out nicely. Then we all went to our rooms to have a well deserved rest and then we went back out again and had dinner at the restaurant. Annaick and I spent some time talking about the fact that we were both shocked that my time to leave came so quickly. It feels like it was almost yesterday when I said I'd be going home in 2 months. Now we are only a week away.
In any event, the three of us had a good dinner laughing and talking about men. We also suspect that Matty stix may be just a tad on the annoyed side. Well I don't really know how to explain it. He seems a bit upset. He told Mr Ye that he had hoped that the new teacher would be a guy and he hasn't really talked to me very much and when we said we were going out for dinner yesterday we got a bit of sass from him. So I don't know what's going on but he has to know that I need girl talk time and while I love hanging out with him and I would do just about anything for him, he just can't deliver on the girl talk department. Anyway, I'll just give him some time and some of the attention he is obviously crying for and I think after a while he'll be ok. He's leaving here on the 4th so he must be having some anxiety about going home too.
Anyway, today is exam time and I have a part to play in my students test. Then I think we're doing something tomorrow but I really can't say I know what and then I start some serious packing and then I party (can't forget the party) then I come home. HA ha.


7 days.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Some goodbyes had to be said

Well Friday night was awesome. Lillis came out with us and she was so surprised that she had such a great time. At the begining of the night before we even left, I told her that if she didn't want to stay late she could go home with Annaick because she was leaving early. I told her I usually stay till closing so if she wanted a late night she could stay with me. Well at CC she fit in so well and everyone just loved her. She had a great time meeting everyone as well. Then we headed over to HBS and the music was fantastic. I told Lillis that this was one of the reasons why I loved China and she had to agree that it seemed to have an upside. Anyway we were all on the dance floor for a long time. Then I hit a new level of drunk and I think I left around 4am but surprisingly Annaick and Lillis stayed. I found out later that they left a little bit after me but it was funny because Annaick wasn't going to stay and I was.
Anyway, Saturday I had a bit of a hangover but I just hung around all day and then waited for evening time to get ready again. Well Saturday night was a bit of a roller coaster but ended up really good. We went to CC and the gang was there but there was something different. Dave (the guitarist and whom we call "the band") didn't play as much songs as he normally does and no one really danced. Then all the soccer holligans came in and things got really blah. Then I found out that the soccer game is Germany against Switzerland. This world cup thing is happening in Germany so this is a big game. Normally the games start at midnight and that's when we leave for HBS but this game started at 11pm. I was really bummed. At one point I actually had my head down on the table but I resolved myself to the fact that once I got to HBS everything would be ok. My mistake. Because this was a big game they were actually playing it and there was no music. I got there and was bummed all over again. Anyway, I went outside to just get away from football for a bit but then after a while I heard music playing so I was back in. They started to play a bit at half time and then just kept it going. But they had some songs playing but nothing you could really dance to but everyone kept asking me if I felt better. I did but no one was dancing so it wasn't great. They all know I like to dance.
Anyway, the night went on and things got better and better. Friday night I told American Matt that I didn't want to talk to him anymore because I didn't like the way he manipulated me. Then last night he got really hammered and had a bad night for some reason and blammed part of it on me. Saying that this was the worst night he was having and it didn't help that I "turned" on him. I just walked away and told him that I wasn't going to have this conversation with him. I was feeling way too good to waste my time on someone who was bummed and tried to find a way to blame it on me. See again? The manipulation.
Anyway, Barb switched to water in the night and sobered up but Richie was pretty drunk the entire night. It wasTomas' last night in Wuhan. He's a German friend of ours so I said bye to him. Plus Valerie's friend Viveka was leaving as well it was her last night. She's such a great girl and we had an awesome time with her. I told Valerie that we would keep in touch. Then last night I saw a friend of mine Sherry. She's a great girl from Mississippi whom I've met a couple times before and we partied and who is also black but unfortunately she's not having a fantastic time in China. Plus she has no clue how long she'll be here for and is so envying me for the fact that I'm going home. But I told her I would be back. And well, I just had a great time. Talking. Laughing. Dancing. Drinking. Great times. I made sure to tell everyone that next weekend is my last weekend so I will be saying my goodbyes then. I told everyone that my flight was leaving on Sunday and I thought it was in the morning. If that was the case then I wasn't sure I could come out on Saturday night. They were all like "That's bullshit. You better come out on Saturday night. Fuck that, you could sleep on the plane." So I guess that decision has been made for me. And I did check my flight and it does leave at 8:25am. So the way I see it, I'll have to make sure to get my stuff in order and be fully packed and ready to go before I leave the house on Saturday night. Then when I get in on Sunday morning, I just pick up my bags, grab a cab and go to the airport. It will be crazy but I will make it happen.
So that's that. I leave a week from today. I can't believe how fast it came up. I'm gonna miss alot of things, people and places. Some of which I'll see when I come back but others I may never see again.


Friday, June 23, 2006

tick tock, tick tock

Well time is ticking away. I finished up the last of my oral exams today, then next week the kids have their written test (which I luckily don't have to mark) and then that's it. I think I only work on Monday and Tuesday of next week so that should be cool. Today, I took some pictures of my kids, as if I don't have enough and said an informal goodbye but assured them that I would see them again in September. Next week will be busy so there won't be much time for big goodbyes.
I'm actually starting to get a bit nervous. Today is day 10 and I know the next 10 days are going to seem to fly by. The long trip I have ahead of me. My day in San Francisco. A few days in Vegas with my best friend and then before you know it I'll be in Canada. I managed not to cry when I was telling my kids that I may see little of them before I go and then I wouldn't see them again till September. I don't know if I would be as lucky with everyone else. I guess I just have to keep in the back of my mind that I will be seeing them again soon.
After school today I'll be getting ready for the usual party. I dont know if Lillis would be joining us. She might but we will have to see. This will be the last 2 weeks the whole gang would get to party together. Gary and I made a pact to keep things going when I get back in September but I think we both know it won't be the same. Now as far as this gang is concerned, there is no guarantee that I will see them again for sure. I will make every effort but there really is no guarantee. I told Barb and Richie that I would visit them in Germany or they could visit myself and Annaick in Canada. Plus I told Gary that I would be visiting him in Australia. I feel so blessed to have friends I could visit in different parts of the world. I told Annaick that the next time she goes to France I want to be with her. That way I could have fun with her and we could visit Valerie. Not to mention the at home friends that will be both easier to keep in touch with and visit. Matt in NS and Annaick in QUE. Plus Valerie, Annaick and Matt all want to come to Trinidad with me the next time I make my way over there. I should think about entering some kind of frequent flyer program or something. Anyways, as it always is, it will be the usual tonight. We should have a blast.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Busy few days

Well we started oral exams yesterday. I've already finished 2 classes. I made the exam as easy as possible so that it's less work for me to do.
The past few days have been very hot and humid. Today is a bit overcast but it's still very hot. So far my AC has been working and I've had little to complain about.
Also, I finished signing all copies of my contract and gave those plus my passport to Mr Ye yesterday. I email him forever ago and it just occurred to him that we don't have a lot of time to waste. So I figure he's going to be working on that and will give it back to me soon. If I don't get it by the end of the week, I will remind him on Monday and possibly again on Wednesday. As well as reminding him about this, I have to remind him that I need my money in US cash. I still can't believe that I'm leaving in less than 2 weeks.
In other news, one of the new teachers for next semester is already here. She came in today around lunch. Her name is Lilis (I think it's spelled that way) and she's from Seattle. She seems pretty cool. Annaick and I have spent most of the afternoon showing her around and answering any questions she's had. A good thing is that she seem cool to hang out with and the complete opposite of the sisters. She's looking forward to partying with us too which is a good thing. Again opposite from the sisters. Also, she's 26 so she's in the same age group as the rest of us.
Another in the line of visitors. Brian came in for a few hours with Susan and their daughter Julianne. I'm happy to see them all, especially the baby. Next thing on the agenda, tomorrow, I finish up my exams, maybe play some games and then it's party time again. It looks like that since Lilis is a party girl like the rest of us, she may end up coming out with us and meeting the gang. It should be fun.
I'M COMING HOME SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, June 19, 2006

I licked a complete stranger on the face....... twice!

It seems the closer we get to parting ways the better our nights have been getting. On Friday night CC was great but the whole time I was there, I was praying that HBS would be just as good. Anyway, we ate, we drank and we danced at CC. There were a group of guys at the table next to us. One of which was a German guy who was celebrating his birthday that day. A huge cake came out and the whole bar sang happy birthday. He was even generous enough to share his cake with us. It wasn't half bad. A little while later, Gary looked over and noticed that the birthday boy got whip cream all over his face. When I saw that, I asked Gary if he dared me to go lick some of it off his face. I guess he didn't think I would do it because before he could finish his sentence, I was over there. I grabbed the guy by the face, said happy birthday and then licked some of the whip cream off. His whole table went crazy. Then one of his friends said that he missed the moment and wanted me to do it again so that he could take a picture. "Sure, no problem" I posed again, I licked again and I think he had a very happy birthday. I went back to my table and everyone kept telling me that I was unbelieveable.
Anyway, midnight came around and every step to HBS was praying that they wouldn't have the game on again. Luckily when I got there, I saw the lights, the people and I heard the music. Well another good time was on the way. All my regular dance floor buddies were smiling with the same look. When ever we caught eyes with one another, it said the same thing. "Thank God we can dance tonight" Some time during the night, I saw the DJ from WBS. I kinda know him and was wondering why he was there at that time, since I knew that he would normally be spinning at that time. He said that they made the arrangement that for the people that wanted to watch the game they could go to Wuchang but dancing would still be at Hankou but the game would still play in the background. I thought it was the best idea yet. Anyway we had a good time there and at one point I met up with American Matt and then next thing you know, I'm in a cab with him, Phillip, this guy Mike that used to work at our school that I absolutely cannot stand and this girl Ava from the states who is chinese. Speaks with an American accent in english and then speaks fluent chinese. Now that's cool. Anyway, we got to Vox and it was just before they were closing so not much happened there. Anyway, long story short, I ended up putting Matt up for the night again but I told him that this was the last time. I really mean it. When I see him on the weekend, I'm gonna let him know that I don't want to be friends with him anymore. He has a tendancy to manipulate people and this is not a chracteristic that I like in people and therefore don't want to be involved. He may say alot of things about me behind my back but I know so many people and they know me that there are very few people that he could go to that would side with him and his bitching. Besides, I've put him up twice already, he would have very little bad things to say about me. In any event, I don't care. This "relationship" is over.
On Saturday same thing but when midnight came, Barb and Richie said they were going to stay for a few more drinks. One of the other German guys was having a birthday and he invited them for drinks to celebrate. Because he was paying they couldn't just leave. I told them that I would go ahead to Blue Sky and meet them there later. HBS wasn't as packed as it normally is but the music was ok. Some of my dance floor buddies were there and when a good song came on I danced with them. But for the most part I was pretty much alone. After a couple hours I thought that after I finished my beer I would head out. About half way through that beer, I felt someone come up behind me, at first I thought it was Barb but to my awesome surprise it was Annaick. Appearently she was out with the frenchies and they decided to hit up Blue Sky to have a drink or two. I was renewed. She came with Valerie's boyfriend and this other french guy that I happened to meet the night before. Soon after Valerie came and she was accomponied by a friend of hers that came to visit from France. We had a great little time and Annaick and I spent alot of time chatting about everything and nothing at the same time, as well as the woes the opposite sex can cause. Eventually, Barb and Richie showed up and I told them that they were lucky. If Annaick didn't show up, they would have gotten there to find me gone. Anyway, that night ended up nicely.
Sunday in the day, after we all woke up, we met at the building complex that Barb and Richie and Valerie all live at and spent the afternoon at their pool. This pool is heavenly. It is the most beautiful pool I have ever been in and I have been in many. It had a really unique shape, almost like an amoeba or something. Seperate area for kids (which I love) and another area that's about a foot deep or something for even smaller kids. We had awonderful afternoon. Laying on the deck, swimming in the pool. Me, Annaick, Valerie, Barb, Richie and Valerie's friend (Vivica I think is her name - I'm bad with names). After that we went to the restaurant and had an amazing dinner. Barb and Richie don't eat much chinese food but we told them with confidence that the restaurant, while not the fanciest place in the world, had the best food. They agreed once the took their first bites. It was a great way to end the day and the weekend.
Back at school, we start oral exams tomorrow that go till Friday, then next week, the written exams. Then soon after that I come home. Today is day 13. That's like 2 weeks. Sometimes I can't even believe it.
In other news, I don't know what has been going on lately but it's something that has just been brought to my attention. First I'd like to say, that most chinese people don't like black people. Main reason? They watch too much movies and think all we do is fight and shoot and then sing a rap song about it. I know it sounds dumb but that's just the way it is. Plus they have a thing about not getting dark too. Actually I can't really explain but they don't like dark coloured skin. The end. Anyways, lately chinese guys have been hitting on me at almost every turn. I was at mini walking street eating something and this guy sat opposite me (which is not beyond normal)and soon after he started talking to me, in really good english I might add, and soon after he was like "you're very beautiful" I had to leave. Then a few days after that, I would get "hey, why don't you come over here and sit with us?" Even on Saturday night, this girl that was sitting with a bunch of chinese guys came up to me and said that the guys would like it if I came and sat with them. Annaick had just arrived a few minutes before so I had to decline, saying that I wanted to spend time with my friend. Then still later that night, one of the guys came up to me and tried to talk to me but his english wasn't so good and I wasn't going to help him by speaking chinese. Luckily he gave up. Then on Sunday, after dinner as we were about to leave a group of chinese men were at the next table. I guess they were talking to Baba (the father and the guy who does the cooking at the restaurant) about me before so when I was getting ready to go, they were trying to get me to stay. Baba stops me and gestures over to the guys. I guess he was saying that these guys wanted me to stay. Then they started saying something and pointing to the tv. The way I figured, they wanted me to stay and watch the soccer game with them. I told them that I didn't like it (soccer) and I was going home (in chinese). Then they had the look of "Oh she speaks chinese" and I looked over and one of the guys winked at me. I knew I had to leave then. When I got outside, I asked Annaick what was going on. She said she didn't know either but all of a sudden, chinese men have been hitting on me. I just don't get it. I find it bizzare. It's beyond their nature to be so forward and appearently they are looking beyond the fact that I'm not white.
Any thoughts???

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Game time

Well my kids have been just loving the game I made for them. In fact, I showed it to Annaick and she made one for her classes too. She told me that her worst class loved it and she was able to play with them without a problem. I'll probably be playing this game for the next week and a half.
We had a meeting today to discuss the upcoming exams. Looks like they are going to be working us right till the end of our contracts. We all assumed that they would start exams next week and then we would have a couple days to mark the exams, then we would have about a week to do nothing. Instead, they are starting the exams in the last week of June. So they start on the Monday and finish on the Wednesday and then we have Thursday and Friday to mark them. That takes us right till the end of the month and the technical end of our contracts. It's a good thing I took a flight leaving on July 2nd. That gives me a couple days to make sure I have all my stuff together before I have to leave.
I started to do a bit of packing today. Just things I'm not using. They only took up about 3/4 of the suitcase. I may end up repacking and sending some of those things home in a box or something. I really have to evaluate what I want to take with me, what could stay in China and what I need to take back home so that it could just stay there.
Also, I sent an email to Mr Ye. Basically I gave him the break down on the costs I incurred to come here and the cost I've incurred for my ticket back home. I told him I want that and my last paychecks all in US cash. Also, I reminded him about my residency permit that needs to be renewed before I go. Unfortunately, I'll probably have to follow up with him about 2 more times and/or send him another email to make sure that all this shit gets done when it's supposed to. I guess other than that I'm doing pretty well. I forgot to mention that I'm finally over my cold and am breathing normally again.
Anyway, I'm on day 19. I should be seeing Jada again on Saturday and then she's off to the States, but I'm happy to know that I'm not too far behind her.


Monday, June 12, 2006

I don't like soccer

Yeah, I said it.
But before I get into that. We got a surprise visit from Damon on Friday. I was in my room getting ready and I heard a knock on my window. I was about to get pissed because people were knocking the door all afternoon but when I opened my window, I squealed with delight once I saw Damon on the other side. A pleasant surprise was an understatement. Anyway, he was just in for a couple days to see if he could get a job at Wuhan university since he wasn't liking his school and wanted to be back in familiar ground I guess. He also said that he was looking somehwere else but I told him to try his best for the university here. Then it could be like old times all over again and the bonus was that Matty stx and I would still be here. He said he would try.
Anyway, we went to CC on Friday night and knew we had to duck out at midnight which wasn't a big deal because that's when we always leave but especially so this night because of the soccer game. Germany against Costa Rica so it was a big deal for the Germans in town. Anyway, when we got to HBS, they were also playing the soccer game. We were right pissed. There was no music and "happy hour" was "sucky hour". All my usual dancing buddies that I see each week all looked really bummed and I know felt the same way I did. Just super unhappy to be there. Barb and Richie ended up leaving early. I was somehow convinced by American Matt to stay a bit longer. At half time, they played a bit of music and it sucked. Then before the game was even over, I told everyone that I was gonna leave but I was once again, dragged into a conversation that made me stay longer and I ended up staying until after the game was over. After the game was over the music picked up a bit but it wasn't the greatest. A few good songs were played but for the most part the music was really half assed. Plus on top of that, everyone left after the game so there were very few people around. In fact, it looked like the way HBS looks at 4:30 am, not the way it should look at 2 am. Anyway, at one point I looked around and I could count everyone on one hand, maybe 2. I had to go. So I left without saying anything and made my way home. It was the earliest I had been home after a night out in a while but I was glad to be there. Saturday, I was on voluntary lock down. I didn't open my door not even once. Not even to go to the tv or the kitchen. I stayed in the entire day on Saturday and I didn't go out Saturday night. I told Barb and Richie that I wasn't coming out. They were disappointed and were hoping that Iwould come but I told them that it was unlikely, so I guess when they didn't see me there was no surprise and no phone call. Anyway, Sunday I actually made it outside. I had an errand to run and there was no food in my room so I had to go out but I still pretty much kept it low key. I've been working on this game I made up and wanted to play with my kids and now that review time is coming up, it would be a good time to play with them. So I spent my day working on it. It turned out quite well and I know they and I will have fun playing it. So that's it for now. We should be having our oral exams starting on Monday but we haven't recieved an official meeting about it yet. Till then I have my game.
Keep ya posted


BTW, today is day 21. Still counting.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

a little this, a little that

Well today wasn't too bad. It was very humid out though. After lunch I went to Zhongnan Lu to meet Karen and pick up my money. This was actually the first time I met her. She seems quite nice and her english is very good. I could tell she was trying to sucker me into working next semester. I didn't flat out refuse. Now that I know what to expect, it may not be so bad next time but I didn't tell her yes. I left it open and told her that it was something I would have to check out once I get my schedule next school year. Since I know there will most likely be a shortage of teachers next year, the school may ask me to take on extra classes, so I would get extra cash from them without having to go to an outside source. That's all to be seen though. I can't really say for sure.
Anyway, after I left her, I walked over to Carrefour and did a bit of grocery shopping. Then I came home, hung out for a bit and then went to the office to finish marking some books. Then it was off to meet Barb and Richie for dinner. Dinner was pretty quiet. We just ate and had a few laughs. Then Barb was trying to convince me to go to WBS (Wuchang Blue Sky) but I declined. I know I have a big day tomorrow with it being Thursday and all, so I figured it was best that I just came home. Even if I stayed up late, I would already be at home. Anyway, just got in a little while ago and probably gonna hang around on my computer before I go to bed. Tomorrow I'm gonna be doing some unit revision with my class and then they have a test on Friday. I don't know if it's me or what but these past few weeks have felt like they just fly by. Any thoughts?


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Graveyard shift

Ok, so Saturday was great as usual. CC was kicking and then we headed over to HBS. My friend Jada said that she would be in town and she wanted to hook up at Vox before she left in 2 weeks. So I told her that after happy hour I would leave and meet her at Vox. HBS was kicking and I really didn't want to leave but I knew I wouldn't see her again if I didn't see her that night. Anyway, I got to Vox and the place was a tomb. I got there around 2:30 am and usually at that time, the place is bumpin' and you have to practically fight for room on the dance floor. Jada said that the place had been like that since 10:30 and it's all because of this new DJ there. Anyway, we hung out there for a few hours and eventually left. I'm gonna see her though before she leaves. She'll come to Wuhan early so that we could have dinner or something and then she'll go to the airport to catch her plane. It kinda sucks because the goodbyes are starting and she was my only black friend while I was here. In any event, she lives in the States, we promised to keep in touch and I don't see why we could make arrangements to visit the others' home town at some point or another. It ain't that far away.
Anyway, when I got home at 5 am and went to bed at 5:30 am. I was dead to the world for 11 hours. I didn't wake up till 4:30 that afternoon. This is a big deal for me because I'm not one who enjoys sleeping in the day but I guess I must have been pretty tired. Now that I think about it, I really only got 5 hours sleep the night before and adrenaline kept me going Saturday night I guess. Yesterday was a bit hard but today was ok. I just have to say my kids are amazing and are getting to that stage where they are taking the vocabulary they know and starting to create their own sentences that correctly convey their thoughts. It's a beautiful thing to see.
Anyway, tomorrow I have to do a bit of grocery shopping and I made arrangements with that chick from the one class I taught to pick up my money. Plus Barbara talked to me today and invited me to go with her and Richie to Giano's for dinner tomorrow. So looks like tomorrow will be a good day.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Another in the can

Well, I don't remember if I mentioned this or not but I pretty much wasted my Thursday day off by doing nothing. It was a good day. Anyway, I managed to get through the day of school on Friday and got ready for the usual. Annaick and I went to CC together and then the whole gang was there. There were some new french people that Valerie met before and invited to come out with us but I think that they may be on the prudish side and we may be a bit too brash for them. Well I know I am. I don't think that they will last. Anyways, this whole going out thing is becoming a monster on it's own. Because we go to the same place every week, and so do other people, we make new friends. People that were just other people on the other end of the restaurant or bar, you now say hi to. So now even though we don't really come as a big group, we end up becoming the huge group of loud drunk foreigners having a great time.
I figured out where I've been getting my exercise from. It's actually the dance floor. I really work up a sweat out there and sometimes that DJ plays 4 or 5 good songs in a row that I have to dance to. I gotta tell ya, when I eventually get off, I'm sometimes pooped. Anyway, we had an amazing night last night. Also, there was this guy Matt (yes, another Matt) from the States that hung around and then was eventually integrated into our group. Last 2 weekends, him and I would end up chatting and last night we were really talking it up. I think we're slowly becoming friends. Also, there's the fact that he told me that things had changed for him now. Coming to Wuhan was always going to be different because now he has a friend in me. Take that as you will, it is a bit cryptic but they way I took it was that I guess he was happy to have a friend in the city and the fact that I'm a cool chick that he could talk to about anything was a bonus. Hey, I am a cool chick. Anyway, I ended up helping him out last night because he got kicked out of his usual weekend accommodations because of a really ridiculous reason I won't even bother getting into and had nowhere to sleep for the night. I told him that if he was stuck, he could crash on the frathouse couch if he wanted. He took me up on the offer and I felt good for having helped someone that I'm becoming friends with.
Anyway, my friend Jada (my only black friend here) is coming into town today, so I must see her before she goes. We have plans for dinner and then I'm going to do the CC/HBS combo but I think I might duck out of HBS early and meet her at Vox. It'll be the last time I would get to party with her. Sacrifices.
Anyways, that's the deal for now. Hopefully I'll be coherent enough to update tomorrow to tell you about how tonight went.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Out of the blue

So I'm sitting in front of the tv yesterday and Daisy, one of our chinese teachers and friend of mine calls me and says that she wants to go out dancing. I think she was a bit drunk when she called but she said that it was her birthday today and she wanted to do something. Anyway, while I was talking to her Matty stix came in and said that he would go with us. So out of nowhere and with no plans we headed over to Soho. Well the place was dead and they have this deal where you have to reserve and pay for tables and they were all booked. So instead we went to HBS. There wasn't much happening but we had a few beers and chatted about all kinds of stuff. I think around midnight we called it quits.
I woke up this morning and the school was so incredibly quiet. It was beautiful. It's not even that quiet on a weekend but today was nice. I was half smiling in bed this morning. Anyway, with my free day off I did nothing. I woke up late. I watched some tv. Then Annaick came over and her and I went outside to have a chat. Then I came back inside and played my guitar (which I'm just loving doing), then I came back out and watched some more tv. Well I guess I got sick of that and now I'm gonna go out and get something to eat. Actually I'm going out with Anniack and the frenchies. I haven't been with just them in a while. Usually they are with me and other people. Other than the fact that they mostly speak french, sometimes I have a good time. Maybe I will tonight. Anyway, the most important thing is that I'm gonna be eating. I haven't had anything today other than a peanut butter sandwich and a coffee. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Tomorrow back to school and then my weekend starts. Looking forward to fun again.