Monday, June 12, 2006

I don't like soccer

Yeah, I said it.
But before I get into that. We got a surprise visit from Damon on Friday. I was in my room getting ready and I heard a knock on my window. I was about to get pissed because people were knocking the door all afternoon but when I opened my window, I squealed with delight once I saw Damon on the other side. A pleasant surprise was an understatement. Anyway, he was just in for a couple days to see if he could get a job at Wuhan university since he wasn't liking his school and wanted to be back in familiar ground I guess. He also said that he was looking somehwere else but I told him to try his best for the university here. Then it could be like old times all over again and the bonus was that Matty stx and I would still be here. He said he would try.
Anyway, we went to CC on Friday night and knew we had to duck out at midnight which wasn't a big deal because that's when we always leave but especially so this night because of the soccer game. Germany against Costa Rica so it was a big deal for the Germans in town. Anyway, when we got to HBS, they were also playing the soccer game. We were right pissed. There was no music and "happy hour" was "sucky hour". All my usual dancing buddies that I see each week all looked really bummed and I know felt the same way I did. Just super unhappy to be there. Barb and Richie ended up leaving early. I was somehow convinced by American Matt to stay a bit longer. At half time, they played a bit of music and it sucked. Then before the game was even over, I told everyone that I was gonna leave but I was once again, dragged into a conversation that made me stay longer and I ended up staying until after the game was over. After the game was over the music picked up a bit but it wasn't the greatest. A few good songs were played but for the most part the music was really half assed. Plus on top of that, everyone left after the game so there were very few people around. In fact, it looked like the way HBS looks at 4:30 am, not the way it should look at 2 am. Anyway, at one point I looked around and I could count everyone on one hand, maybe 2. I had to go. So I left without saying anything and made my way home. It was the earliest I had been home after a night out in a while but I was glad to be there. Saturday, I was on voluntary lock down. I didn't open my door not even once. Not even to go to the tv or the kitchen. I stayed in the entire day on Saturday and I didn't go out Saturday night. I told Barb and Richie that I wasn't coming out. They were disappointed and were hoping that Iwould come but I told them that it was unlikely, so I guess when they didn't see me there was no surprise and no phone call. Anyway, Sunday I actually made it outside. I had an errand to run and there was no food in my room so I had to go out but I still pretty much kept it low key. I've been working on this game I made up and wanted to play with my kids and now that review time is coming up, it would be a good time to play with them. So I spent my day working on it. It turned out quite well and I know they and I will have fun playing it. So that's it for now. We should be having our oral exams starting on Monday but we haven't recieved an official meeting about it yet. Till then I have my game.
Keep ya posted


BTW, today is day 21. Still counting.


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