Monday, October 31, 2005

I love my students just as much as they seem to love me

As usual, Mondays are the days you hate the most. You just enjoyed your weekend and then you have to go back to work. Well it ain't no different here. Especially since the reason why many of us took this adventure is because we were looking for Indiana Jones type action. Anyway so I get to my class and things are just settling down a bit after the bell has rung and one of my students walk up to me and hands me these two little boxes. The writing on the outside is in chinese and there is a plant on the packaging. I turn to my assistant Lily and ask "what is this?" She says, after reading it "oh, it is medication for your throat" All I could say was "awwwwww that is so sweeeeeeeeeet" So I called the student back up since she sat down right after handing it to me and I told her in both chinese and english "thank you". I had to give her a hug. It was very thoughtful of her.
Even after that I still turned to Lily and said that this was so very sweet of her to do. Lily just said "well they love you" I was really touched. When I got back to the office I had to boast. Everyone was so surprised that a student would do that for me. I opened the package to see that they weren't pills as I was expecting but lozenges. They taste pretty good and I'll take anything I could get to make sure I don't have a problem with my voice again. I've had laryngitis before but I've never had it for a month.
So that's my little story. Bad Monday morning turn good. I just had to share. I love my kids more and more.


Sorry, sorry, sorry

Sorry I haven't updated lately. Sometimes I forget. Anyway not much has really happened. The new guy (whom we call Matty Stix b/c we already have a Matt upstaris) is settling in nicely. Friday night we decided to have a jam session. Matt brought his guitar with him and is a very good guitar player. Well we had a blast. Matt and Patrick were playing and Annaick and I were singing. It was definitely the kind of thing that we agreed we had to do on a regular basis.
Well I can't really remember what happened on Saturday. The day started like any other I guess. At one point in the afternoon I decided that I had had enough sitting around and watching tv. I was going to go out and get some chao kao (this is lamb on a stick. It's done like shishkabob almost and can be very spicy. I love this stuff, it's very good) and I invited Matt to go out with me. I figured it was his first weekend in China and he might like to go out and see some stuff.
So I get to the chao kao place which is in the area that I call mini walking street. There are alot of restaurants and shops that have booths along the street and you could get anything you pretty much want. Anyway, so we get there and I satisfy my chao kao fix and we walk around for a bit. Then Matt decides that he wants to go drinking. So we go to this restaurant I know and get a couple beers each. Now this chinese beer is very very lite. I have to drink atleast 3 of them just to get a buzz and about 6 of them to really start to feel drunk.
Matt, on his second beer was quite the drunk individual. I couldn't believe it. Now mind you, Matt is about 6'2'' - 6'3'' and weighs about 80lbs soaking wet, But I still couldn't believe it. Anyway, on his trip to the bathroom he met up with this chinese guy FayFay that told him to come by the near by bar. I knew the bar myself. It was the place I was taken to on my first night out in China. I figured, sure. I wasn't doing anything anyways and what was I in a hurry to get home for? My spot on the couch? My bed? NO no, not on a Saturday night. So we partied at the bar/club. Had a few more beers and partied with FayFay. I danced on the pole and Matt told me about a million times that he loved FayFay. After a million and one times I knew it was time to go. I had just started buzzing and Matt was very drunk. Funny stuff. We got home around midnight and that was about it or me.
My day started off once again like any other. I made it a point that I would get through cleaning my room that day. I was determined. It had to happen. I had put it off for way to long. Just as I started, Patrick asked me if I would go with him to the hospital. He had to get some blood tests done and a CT scan. I knew he would need the help so I said I would. Well long story short, I'll try to provide in point form:
- go to one floor to let them know what you have to have done
- then go downstairs to pay for it
- then go back up to have it done
- go to another building to let them know what you have to have done
- find the building diserted
- go to another building
- get told to go back to the first one
- find the guy
- tell him what you have to have done
- go back to the first building to pay
- come back to him
- get the test done
- go to the first building again
- see a doctor
- get told that the specialist should look at it
- get told that the specialist can't come now
- get sent to yet another building
- have the specialist's student look at you
- then finally get to go home
Needless to say it was a very long day. We were there for about 5 hours and poor Patrick hadn't eaten anything since he wasn't supposed to for the blood tests, so he was very hungry. I hadn't had breakfast either so I was quite hungry. We decided that chao kao was the dinner of choice and after leaving the hospital that where we went. Back to mini walking street. He hung out there for a couple hours. Ate about 30 sticks o chao kao between us. Then on our way home, whenever we stopped at a booth, people would crowd around us just to see what we were doing or saying. There was this one booth that sold wool clothing. All types. Pants, sweaters, leather jackets, wool jackets, whatever. On passing the guy tied to get our attention to bring us over. I was curious to see what he was showing (the crowd slowly forms). He started to show me some pants (the crowd comes in more) Then I looked at the pants and noticed that there was no way my fat ass was gonna fit in those pants (now the crowd really comes in) I gave him a look like "I don't know. This won't fit me" and the I started to slap my ass. Basically to indicate that it is there and I wouldn't be able to buy his product because it isn't made or me. hey all started to laugh (including the crowd). Then he picked up a pair and stretched them in the hip area to show me that they stretched. I laughed and so did the crowd. I like to entertain them sometimes and they seem to like it to. I told him that I would be back again and gave him the you-better-have-something-to-fit-me-next-time look. I slapped my ass again in parting and even Patrick laughed.
After that we headed home, I actually cleaned my room and helped Patrick clean his. Then we watched a movie and all went to bed.
Inclosing of this entry I'd like to say trick or treat and Happy Halloween to everyone. I'm missing a halloween bash this year but I know that there would be more to come and I can always make it up next year.
Black Kitty Witch Cauldron Frankensmiley Trick O' Treater Costume

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Gotta love thise kids

Yesterday, one of my students handed me a note at the beginning of class. I will type the note as it is written and I think you will understand why I love these kids so much. Please note, naturally there are spelling mistakes.

"Misses Litisa,
I hope to teach you a little chinese as a exange to appreciate your work. Then you could say 'quiet please' in chinese. Surley, everybody will be surprised. How interesting it is.
As I do not know how to express my meaning and I let my mum to write for me.


PS. Thanks indeed, two ladies. Although now it is very difficult for my son to write down these new words. And I appreciate you thousands of times while I heard he muttered to himself some sentence in english durind playing games. As per his request, I write down above for him.

Best wishes,
Tang Qi
(Barry's mother)"

It was so awesome to get this letter. At first I thought it was a complaint or a note for an excuse or something but then I read it and there it is. Barry is actually one of the quiet students in my class and I had no clue how he felt about learning english. Now I know that he is enjoying himself and is learning as well and his mom is very proud and happy that he is using the english that he is learning. No matter who you are, that just has to make you feel good.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch. I have had a very very difficult time finding clothes or shoes that fit me. Let's face it, I have a phat ass and huge boobs. Chinese women are about 1/10 my size.
Annaick and I did some shopping yesterday and we went to this huge shoe store. I was finally able to find a pair of sneakers that actually fit me. They're black and kinda look like skater shoes but the important thing is that they fit, well they are a bit snug but I had to have them and I figure I'll be able to stretch them out with continued wear. Also there is a store that doesn't look like much in the front but when you go in, it's huge and filled with many different looks, and the best part, different sizes. Annaick thinks that the store is a location where extras go or sometimes they would have a sample size that they have no use for and it just goes to this store. The inventory seems to change almost daily and they hardly have duplicates of anything. I was able to find a nice sweater but as soon as I get paid I will be going back for more shopping. You can really go broke shopping in Wuhan, it is just everywhere but, it's not often I find clothes that can fit me. I have a hard enough time in Canada. Imagine the struggle I'm finding in China, but it looks like that will be my place to be. Plus if I go there regularly, they start to recognize me, what I like and would start holding things for me etc.
Anyway, that's about it, just had to share that. I'm really happy about it.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

new kid on the block no more

Well out of all of the teachers here, since I was the last one to get here, I was considered the new kid. Annaick beat me to China by a couple weeks. Well I'm no longer the newest teacher here. I've passed the torch unto someone else.
I guess since school started, they were short a teacher and three of the teachers currently employed here were doing extra work covering the classes. Well the school finally got someone in to actually take over those classes.
His name is Matt (which is gonna confuse the hell out of us because we already have a Matt) and he's from Dartmouth Nova Scotia. We are all happy that he's Canadian but Patrick is especially happy that he's from NS (since Patrick is from there too) and that Matt is a guy, since Patrick has been the only guy in the frat house since I got there.
Well Matt seems to be settling in nicely and like I said, Patrick is overjoyed. They both went out a little while ago and Patrick hasn't been in the mood to go out lately since he's still on crutches.
Changing the subject, my students are still there and making me laugh as usual. Mr Ye always looks like he's gonna have a nervous break down and my assistant still hasn't gotten used to my humor.
Anyway, I've decided that I have to get back on the weightloss wagon. Heck, I can do it. The diet here is better than that of North American style. I went out on the track with Annaick last night. She jogged and I power walked. It was good. We did that for half an hour then we did some butt shaping exercises. I'm a little sore but I'm proud that I got through the workout and Annaick said the same as well. Maybe if I did this regularly I wouldn't have to get that butt lifting operation I've been hankering for.
In any case, when I get back home, I'm hoping to be a lean mean ass kicking machine.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Same old, same old.

Well, I went back to class today and took extra care of my voice. At one point it was going kinda crackily and I was a little concerned but I managed to get through the day with little damage. Everything was pretty much back to normal and I was so very happy to see my kids and ofcourse they were happy to see me back in class. The day went on as any other day and I'm just glad to be back ithe mix.
Now changing the subject, I finally set up the link so that you are able to view some pictures.
If you click on the link below (or cut and paste), you will be able to see some of the pics from my trip to Shanghai.
Once the browser is up and loaded, click on 'watch', then select your speed and you are all set. This is a photoshow and is only a sample of all the pics taken. Like I said before, the trip was great.
Enjoy the show.

Trip to Shanghai link -

Tomorrow or some other day during this week, I'll have a few more links to other pics taken at other times.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Not much going on

Well last night turned out to be a bit of a dud. I got dressed up and was looking pretty good. The cast of characters included, Patrick, Breanna and Damon. We got to Blue Sky Cafe, which is a bar night club and a place where alot of foreigners go. They serve mostly western dishes (hamburgers, salads etc) and the wait staff speak english. We got there a bit early and had our meal. While eating the music was good. Then things started to drag on and the music wasn't as good and the place started getting filled up. People started dancing and white guys still can't dance over here but the vibe just wasn't there for us.
Damon wasn't feeling great and bailed early, plus, Patrick's still on his crutches. Bre wanted to dance but I just wasn't feeling it. It was very strange being there and especially with so many non chinese people around. I don't know how I'm going to adjust when I get back home. I might have to move to china-town or something. We didn't even make it to happy hour and that was at midnight.
So we left, got back home and all went to our seperate quarters. All in all a dud of an evening. Today I woke up and just wasn't in the mood to do too much. We did go to the restaurant for lunch but then came home and watched movies. Even though t was a nice sunny day, it's starting to get cold. I hate winter with a passion and cold weather (no matter now sunny it is outside) never really gives me that get up and go.
My get up and go left so now I sit down and stay.
Good news though, I still have a bit of phlegm in the throat but I'm pretty much back to normal voice wise. I can't wait to get back to school tomorrow! I'm just hoping I don't lose my voice again. Atleast not so soon after I'm healed, like the last time. There would be no way that Mr Ye would believe me. I wouldn't believe myself.
Upcoming, we have plans for Halloween. I don't know what's going to happen but I'm hoping there is some sort of celebration.

Wakka Wakka

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Define normal

Well things are more or less back to normal. My voice is pretty much back and I'm more or less ready for school on Monday. Friday was the second of the 2 day sportting events. None of the foreign teachers (including myslef) were too interested in going out there. The weather was cold and there wasn't anything particularly entertaining going on. Once again when my students saw me they had a fit and I tried my best to keep them calm. Sometimes I feel that the love I have for them is almost that like the love a mother has for a child. Sometimes I refer to them as my kids and I'm so very happy to see them and they are always so very happy and excited to see me. The little english I've taught them so far, they are always excited to use. In the days I was absent, I had my assistant move on with the next lesson which is the numbers.
Yesterday when I saw one of my kids, he had the number one printed on his shirt. He was so excited to show it to me and show that he could now read this word. He probably owned that shirt forever and knew it was an english word but never knew what it meant and now he does. That is an amazing feeling. To be able to share that.
In any event, we (and by we I mean the other foreign teachers and I) spent some time outside just talking and laughing again, until we all got sick of standing out there and all went back to the frat house.
After sitting around for a bit, I couldn't take it any longer. I had been stuck in the frat house for the past 2 weeks and was sick of just sitting there. I just said "I gotta get outta here. I'm going to Zhong Lan Lu (sort of the downtown area)". Then Breanna said that she had to go to Hankou (across the river from us) and if I wanted I could go with her. I jumped at the chance. Anywhere that wasn't the frat house was good for me.
So we got our things together and off we went. On our way walking to the ferry, I saw these amazing boots in the window of a shoe store that was just beckoning me to wear them. They didn't fit but the sales lady was great at finding other boots that she thought would pique my interest. It took a few tries but I eventually found something that fit me, that looked good and that I really want. Once again, I will wait till the end of the month and if they are still there then they are mine and I will be bargaining about the price. Chances are they won't be sold. Not too many people have feet as large as me. So the odds of them being there are really good, but still. I will wait.
Anyway, we went to Hankou and did alot of window shopping. Bre picked up this skirt that she wanted and I just looked around. Nothing caught my eye.
Then we decided to go into the Walmart. This was interesting. I was curious to see if it was as it is back home and it is, but just a little on the chinese side. I picked up a pair of gloves (that actually fit) and a couple of other things. While in Walmart, we got approached by this girl who was giving out free facials from the Spa located therein.
Well as someone said in a movie once "free comes with a dick up your ass". Well that didn't exactly happen to me but while I was getting my "facial" the lady (who's english was actually pretty good) kept pushing me to buy a beauty card. I can buy a one year card for Y800 or a 6 month card or a one month card for Y180.
Yeah right. First of all, there was no real facial. She put some cold cream on my face, rubbed it in, then wiped it off. She did that about three or four times, the whole time pushing for me to buy this beauty card. I kept telling her I didn't have enough money for that. Then she tells me that she has a product that she wants to recommend that would be great for my face and it only costs Y150. So that settled it. I told her that I only had Y30 with me and that there was no way for me to possibily buy what she was selling. But I only lived across the river and that it wouldn't be a problem for me to come back. She said that I had to come back because I had to help her with her oral english. I told her that it would be my pleasure.
So me and Bre finally left got our purchases and headed over to the cash. My items are scanned. I'm shown my total and I pull out Y100 to pay. Bre screams out "I though you said that you only had Y30?" I said, "No honey, that's what I told her. Do you really think they're going to give you a free facial and not expect you to buy their product?"
She was so stunned but I told her that that's how you have to play the game sometimes. I knew I didn't want to buy anything and I knew she would try to sell me something. I knew that if she knew that I had the money to buy what she was selling, she wouldn't let me rest until that product went home with me. I asked several times the cost and she was reluctant but once she told me, I knew what I had to say.
So that was another little adventure. Tonight we're supposed to go out and do something fun. I think I'm gonna get a little dressed up for a change. I will take pics but it looks like I will have to set up the link for you to visit to view the pics.

Thanks for reading and..........

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Sports day

Well my voice is about 95% back. I've been taking the pills and having a lot of honey tea.
Today and tomorrow are sports days at the school. I have no clue why they decided to do this now when the weather is getting cold but what can I say, they do things differently here. Anyway, it's your regular sporting events with high jump and races. Then there is also this game that the students play with the teacher. The chicken and the eagle. There are two teams and the teacher plays the mother hen and then about 8 students stand behind her in a line and they all hold the back of the shirt of the person in front of them and they are the baby chicks. Then a kid from the other team is the eagle and they have to try to get to the chicks. The teacher stands at the front changng direction trying to "protect" the chicks and they try their best not to get caught. It's funny to watch.
So basically, it was a day filled with the foreign teachers just standing around taking pictures and laughing at each other and the kids. Hey what can I say, I got paid for the day.
Breanna was trying to be a superstar and entered a race with 4th graders. She spent all this time stretching before and getting herself ready.

Race time comes.

They're all lined up.

These 10 year old kids kicked her ass. She came in dead last and it was a hilarious thing to watch. She had absolutely no chance.
My kids were so excited to see me and I missed them so much that I was so excited to see them. They kept calling my name and trying to get my attention. I felt a little bad because their teacher was trying to keep them seated and quiet and whenever I was in view they would just go nuts. I tried to take a few pics of them and that made them go even more crazy. Some pics I took at a distance but they are not as good as if you were to take them up close. It was a good day nonetheless. I can feel my voice getting better and feel the difference from the first time I thought it was getting better. I really think those pills helped alot. I think even after I'm back at full capacity I will continue to take them until the package is finished.
Now speaking of pictures. Apparently the blogger system is having problems with pics and it's something that has affected almost everyone using blogger. I can set up a link that you can go to, to see some of the pics I've taken (from Shanghai, the school, my kids and us just having a good time) but the only thing is I won't be able to explain any of the pictures. You'll just see them but I don't know how much it would mean to you.
Anyway, if blogger doesn't get this resolved soon, then I may just do that but I'm gonna wait a few more days or so and see what happens. If I have to set up the links then I'll have my work cut out for me.
So that's all for now and you will also notice that added to my preview profile, I have my phone number. I know the likelihood of a call is low but I just put it there just in case. Please be aware that here in China I am 12 hours ahead of eastern standard time. So for example, if it is 7pm EST for you, it is 7am the next day for me. Keep that in mind.


Monday, October 17, 2005

Yet another week

Well, I went to work and forced my voice and now I'm worse than before. My voice is completely gone and I'm yet again put in the annoying position of not being able to teach. I had to not attend my last class yesterday and I wasn't really present for the classes earlier in the day either. I got there at the begining, told the kids that I was going to finish marking their tests (which I did) and that I would be back before class to hand them out. Lily was going to go over the lesson we already covered. So that worked out nicely but then as the day went on, I had less and less of a voice and it became a greater effort to get the few sounds I could make come out.
So now, much to my frustration, I have to take this entire week off. My problem the last time was, that as soon as my voice got better, I pushed it too far and I went right back into it. I should have just taken it easy and go back to work on the Monday as I originally planned.
So after I left that class I went home and decided that I had had enough and went to the pharmacy. I don't really like taking pills and there isn't very much that can be done for laryngitis but I was determined to find something. When I got there I was hoping I would see some brands that I know from home but no such luck. Every single item on the shelves were local chinese brands and are ofcourse all written in chinese. Now as some of you may know, I'm a firm believer in the international language of gestures. Even though I have my chinese-english dictionary, I still can't formulate the sentence "Hi there, I have laryngitis and need some medication for my throat". So I did the next best thing, I tried to talk which ended up being just a few squeaks and pointed at my throat. She knew exactly what I needed. She was explaining one drug to me, where I only understood bits and pieces of what she said. I tried to explain that I didn't want that. Then she showed me something else. The package had leaves on it, so I assumed that it was herbal (which I would prefer to take) but at the same time I was still unsure. I know how to say 'I don't know' in chinese and I said that but the look on her face was reassuring. As if to say, 'don't worry, this would be good'. So I bought that. Then when I got home I realized that I had no clue how to take this. Luckily, one of my housemates here, reads and speaks chinese so I got him to translate. So I'm doing pretty good and he even said that I made a good choice in the medication because it should help me. So I will be staying home this week (don't expect too many updates) and I will be taking my medication. Hopefully I will feel better, but regardless of whether or not I get my voice back by the end of the week, I will not go back to work until Monday.
So that's the story......


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sorry, I have been lazy

Well I've been meaning to update the blog but having this cold has made me very lazy.
In any event, Friday was a pretty good day. I gave my test and my students were so very excited to see me back. After lunch, Annaick, Angela and I went to Carrefour to do some shopping. Angela almost took the whole store with her and Annaick and I just did some shopping to restock the small supply of food we keep (mostly for breakfast). Going back home was a bitch, it was raining and we had the hardest time getting a cab. We finally got one and were back home where we made plans to have a little party.
We got some beer and everyone came over. Cast of characters included, Roy, Angela, Matt and his wife Amanda, Breanna, Annaick, Patrick and of course me. We had a fun little time. The thing I love most about Canucks and Brits is that they never need an excuse to get together and drink.
Saturday morning I had a bit of a hangover but not much really. The down side was, I lost my voice again. This time not as bad, I was just really hoarse but, I just can't seem to shake this cold and the hoarseness that seems to be going with it. So Saturday I pretty much sat around, practiced my guitar and wished my voice better. Unfortunately, wishing it better dosn't make it better.
Sunday I woke up and my voice still wasn't any better but I felt better all together. However, still have the sniffles, still can't shake this cold.
Anyway, I started off the day by watching The Simpsons, but then Patrick and I noticed that it was such a nice day out (and it really was). The sun was shining and it was almost like a spring day as it moves into summer. So we decided to go out for a walk. Which was alot to ask for Patrick since he's still on crutches but he wanted to go so we made the best of it. We walked over to McDonald's, had a bite to eat and some ice cream. Then did some more walking around. We went back home using back streets, which is really cool because you see some interesting people and they ofcourse see you and you find all these back restaurants (which are usually really good and cheap) and you just get to see how the people live. The people here in Wuhan, once they get over the shock of you being a foreigner, are usually very nice.
Anyway, we sat around a bit more and then went back home.
After a couple hours or so, I decided that I'd go out to the basketball court and shoot some hoops. Patrick came out for company and we had fun chatting and making fun of me.
Well that was pretty much the afternoon. Later in the evening after dinner, we came back home and practiced guitar and before I knew it, it was bedtime.
This morning I still have the cold and my voice isn't any better. I was thinking of staying home today but I don't really want to. I'll just go to class and have my assistant do mostly everything.
Well, I'm off to work. I'll keep you posted on any new events as they occur. I'm really just hoping to get rid of this cold and get my voice back to normal. I think I'll go to the pharmacy today and see if I can pick up something to help.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Going back to the grind

Well I've gotten my voice back (more or less). I was thinking about going back to work on Monday but I think I will go back tomorrow. There's no point in me staying home the extra day. I just have to be careful. The only thing now is, that cold has come back (actually I don't think it ever really left) and I have the sniffles, sore throat and a cough. Will this ever end?
Anyway, my activity assistant today was surprised not to see me at work. I forgot to tell her what happened but did tell her that she would be doing activity on her own today. She was cool with that. It doesn't make a huge difference either way. Not for activity atleast.
I should be ok tomorrow for speaking anyways because I'll be giving out a test so there won't be alot of talking on my part and my activty classes are cancelled for the afternoon. So that works out nicely for me.
New development at the "frat house". We had a single phone that was shared between us downstairs and our roommates upstairs. It was annoying whenever there was a phone call, if noone was answering or noone was up there, you'd have to run up the stairs. If there is a phone call for you that someone upstairs answered, you'd have to run up the stairs to get it. If you wanted to make a phone call, you could go upstairs or bring the phone downstairs and use it there, but eventually the phone would end up upstairs again.
Anyway, we asked for a second phone so that we wouldn't have this problem. Well we got phones, we got more phones than we can handle. We now each have a phone in our rooms and an extension for each of us. So for example, if someone was calling me, they would dial the main number and then my extension. All we wanted was another phone in our living room downstairs. Some people are happy with this, others aren't. I think it's good and bad. Good thing is, when the phone rings in my room I know the call is for me and only me. Also, we can call each other on the seperate extensions. Bad things...what if I'm not in my room, what if I'm in town and lost and I need to call someone for help and they are not in their room or not home. I have to make another call to another extension trying to find someone to help. If it was the other way, then no matter who was home, someone would answer the phone, unless of course if noone was home. Now I have to remember extensions of 9 other people. Pain in the ass but that is the way the chinese do things.
So that's about that. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

good, not good

Well, I'm still home sick as I don't really have a voice. In order to rest my vocals and try to make them heal. I haven't been talking. Gotta write everything down on paper. Mostly I'm talking to Patrick and when I'm not talking to him, he's talking to someone else on my behalf. My throat is still sore and I think I miss my students. The reason why I say I think is because I didn't think I would. Anyway, so that's why things suck right now.
What's good though is I got a surprise yesterday.
So me and Patrick (the 2 "sickies") are sitting around watching tv feeling pretty bummed. But wait, there is a knock on the door. It's Harry and he has a package for me. Yay, it's my first package from home. Filled with lots of cool stuff and the most important thing of all. It has my winter coat. I didn't bring it with me because 1) I didn't think it got that cold and 2) I was provided with bad advice that told me I wouldn't need it.
Anyway, that was a really good treat and made me feel better. I still dont have much of a voice and it almost hurts to talk when I try but I do feel better.
Well, depending on how my voice feels I may go back to school on Friday. However, I don't want to rush it and end up losing my voice again just after it has gotten better. I think I may tell the department head that I'll come back on Monday. It will be better to give my voice a rest for a while before going back and yelling at my students. Just kidding.
Anyway, that's about it for now. I'm not sure if we are doing anything this weekend. Usually we got out drinking for one reason or another or we go out to do something that eventually turns out to be us drinking.

TTFN Hello

Monday, October 10, 2005

I don't like to disappoint

Well, like I said this week was going to be interesting.

As some of you may have read, on my trip to Shanghai, I caught a cold. Well by the time I came back it was all but gone, however there was still a little linger of the sniffles and the occasional cough. Well now that little sniffle and occasional cough has turned into a throat infection and I have a mild case of laryngitis. I officially lost my voice while teaching a class yesterday. On Sunday, my throat felt a little raspy and by the time the evening came, my voice was in and out but it just seemed like I had a bit a phlegm in my throat. I was going a little hoarse but I figured after a good night's sleep I should be fine. Deep down inside I knew I was in trouble. Anyway, I woke up yesterday morning and the raspiness was still there but once again, I though I was fine.
I sat at my desk and corrected some assigned homework in my spare period and then the bell rang and I went to class.
Everytime my students see me in the halls, they have to yell to get my attention and jump up and down with giddy hellos. I don't mind the hellos but the screaming and yelling is not necessary. So when class started I told them just that, and as I was talking, my throat started to feel sore and I can feel the raspiness coming back even more. 10 minutes into the class, I told my assistant that I wasn't sure if I would be able to teach the afternoon classes. Halfway though the class my voice left me and I had to go.
I went to Mr Ye and told him I had a problem. He wanted me to go to the hospital but I have had this happen before and there isn't much that can be done. I just have to let my throat rest and try not to talk for the next couple days or so. My students looked so sad when I left but I can't teach them how to say and pronounce anything when I can't say the words myslef.
I guess this works out nicely. I was concerned about how long this week was going to be and now I have a couple of days off.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I'm Canadian. Nuff said.
Yesterday, all my fellow frat housers went out to celebrate thanksgiving. Of course we couldn't have your traditional meal but we made do. I had thanksgiving pizza with thanksgiving beer and a thanksgiving cosmopolitan. We had a blast. Well anything that involves drinking always equals a blast. The cast of characters included, Roy, Angela, Breanna, Damon, Annaick, Patrick and ofcourse, yours truly. We gave many a toast, laughed alot and took a few pics. I really like hanging out with everyone. Mind you, I wasn't able to have the full on fun time that I would usually have when I can speak, but I still had fun. My "friends" at the table were thankful for my silence. Patrick said he would speak for me and told everyone that I would be talking with my fists. I thought it was a good idea.
Anyway, so that's how it goes. I have emailed Mr Ye and told him I would be out for atleast 2-3 days. I have to see how my throat feels and really keep an eye on it. I don't want it to develop into anything worse or end up badly. I don't think it will, I should be fine but you never know in this country.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Shanghai days and nights

Well the trip to Shanghai was good, bad and sometimes ugly. Cast of characters include, Brenna, Winnie and myself. Here's to expain:

The trip going........
Trains are set up with different cars that have different things. On the same train you have cars with hard seats, soft seats, hard sleepers and soft sleepers. We had soft seaters but this is no picnic. The seats don't recline or anything and the table set up for the 6 people sitting at it has just enough room for the one person sitting next to it. So the person sitting on the other end gets no table to put their heads down on. 19 hours, crowded train, zero sleep and not very comfortable seats. You do the math. We were very tired when we got to Shanghai. But I'm skipping ahead.
We brought some cards with us and played tons of games. There was a guy sitting across from us who spoke english and we had a blast playing cards with him. We gave him an english name (Mark) and was really happy to have met him. Made the time go by. Speaking of names, Winnie gave me a chinese name. My Chinese name is LiLiSha. Now you don't get the full effect as I'm unable to write it in full pinyin here. Pinyin is what makes the difference in the sounds. Now with chinese names they put the first name last and the last name first. So for example, the famous cellist that we know as Yoyo Ma, they know him here as MaYoyo. So actually my chinese name if it was to be said in a western way would be LiSha Li. LiSha means beautiful sand. I really like it.

Arrived in Shanghai...........
So when we got to Shanghai, admittedly we were so excited that we no longer felt tired. Even though none of us really got any sleep. My first thought of Shanghai. Very very beautiful and so many buildings. A real booming metropolis. Anyway, what was really great was that we had to take the subway to get to our hotel......I mean hostel (I'll get to that in a minute). They are light years ahead of us with the subways. They have these plasma screens on the platform that tell you the current time, show some ads and tell you how long it will take for the next train to arrive. This thing is precise. You watch the countdown of the next arrival. At first I thought it was off, because it said that the train would arrive in 20 seconds but the train was already pulling in. Then Winnie told me that the time was referring to the moment the train stopped and then I realized that it was exactly correct. The moment the trained stopped is when the counter went to zero. In the train is very nice and there are plasma screens at the doors as well. Mostly with adds and stuff on it but just before you get to the next stop it tells you what it is. Plus there is an overhead announcement that is made. Can't get lost there.

Arrving at the hotel.......I mean hostel
So we finally arrive at the hostel to drop off our stuff. A hostel is a place I've never been to and something I'm not dying to repeat again. Yeah it was clean and well kept but it wasn't entirely fun sharing a room with 5 or 6 other strangers. Plus all the people that stay there all seem to be cut from the same cloth. They are all these sort of young adults (late teens, early 20's) The young hippie I call them sometimes, or the mature couple out to see the world. Call my a prissy princess but I like a hotel with a room that's all mine and the option to call room service anytime. Not to mention the fact that I don't have to share toilets or bathrooms. Anyway, Bre and I consoled ourselves with the fact that we were only going to be there at night and at that time we would be sleeping anyway.

Out and about...........
So we dropped our bags off and did some shopping around town. I turned into this bargaining queen and was getting mad discouts at every shop I went into. I bargained everything to death. Alot more people speak english in Shanghai and I'm getting to know more chinese so it was easy for us to meet each other half way in communication. I was having a blast but Breanna was being a little brat because Shanghai was so crowded and people push everywhere. I let her know that pushing them back would only relieve her frustration but it wouldn't do anything to them since they're all used to it. As the evening came on, we dropped our bags off and were looking for a party. Well actually just a bar we can drink at. We got to the place that we believe may have been a strip club. I say allegedly and Bre says for sure. However there were no strippers, no naked people, no people period. The place was empty but they were playing music and we were able to drink. We made the best of it and got home pretty drunk (don't worry ma, I didn't drive, we walked).

The next day......
Well we woke up and we were pretty good. Memories of the night kept us laughing. We called Winnie for the day's plan but she said she would meet us at 5pm. We opted to see Shanghai and go to a museum. Unfortunately since we got into town it was raining and it still was by then. I had gotten the beginings of a cold (not from the rain. I don't get it that way. I think may have gotten it from Winnie) and was feeling a little run down. Anyway, we went around to People's Square and then up to the museum. This was really nice and the museum is so beautiful. Inside and out. (speaking of which there is a lot of beautiful architechture in Shanghai).
After the museum we walked to the other side of town and went to Yu Yuan gardens. Very beautiful and I got to feed the fish. By the time afernoon hit, I had lost my voice but was trying to keep moving. After the gardens we went back home and found Winnie waiting for us.
The girls let me take a nap, where I got my voice back and a little more energy to keep going.
The evening plan was to get something to eat and then meet back at the hostel to meet up with this girl that Breanna met and then we would all go to the TV tower. Girl's name is Melanie. She's 19 and is travelling on her own from Germany. She's alright.
Well the plan went nicely and the trip to the TV tower was good. It was no CN tower but you can't blame them for trying. Anyway, we got back home and I was down for the count.

The next day............
Well the cold really took a hold of me and I wasn't able to do a thing. I slept all day Tuesday and all night as well. We had a plan to go see old Shanghai but I couldn't make it. I didn't have a coat or umbrella and it was still pouring rain. For the sake of my health, I declined. I can always go another time. Shanghai isn't going anywhere.

The day after that..............
Well I felt better now and we had to get our stuff together to get going. We did some last minute shopping and packed up. I got some nice things for myslef and was surprised to find something that fit me. Plus I got some other things for my mom and my sister (not telling, I will send it soon). So back on the train we go and we still have those soft seats. Thankfully we were able to upgrade to hard sleepers, which aren't half bad. Good thing was we got to sleep on our way back so we weren't tired when we got home.

All in all like I said, some good parts, some bad parts and some parts that were just ugly.
That's the deal so far, keep reading, this week oughta be interesting. Because of the week long holiday, we have to work this weekend and all the way through till Friday. I don't get a day off till a week from today.