Ok, so I've been a little busy.
Well My mom came on Feb 1st and we spent a few days in Beijing, saw the sites, blah blah blah. Then we got back to Wuhan, which I couldn't wait to do. I like Beijing and all but I couldn't wait to get back to Wuhan. My friend was saying that Wuhan had more character and it's true. Here, you can go out and there are people on the streets and vendors and things are happening and there's shopping. Not so much in Beijing. It's nice and the regular sites are great too but, it's just not for me.
Anyway, we got back to Wuhan and have been having a fun few days. Unfortunately, Wuhan is not a tourist destination, so there isn't much to see or do. Mostly it's just me showing mom around and giving her a window into my life here. I've taken her to a few sites but for the most part, with the weather not being it's best, we've just done what we all normally do at the frat house. Sit around and watch TV.
Yesterday was a good day. It was sunny for a change, so I decided that we should take the opportunity and do something. Before that I had a meeting to attend with the school, to discuss the new semester and how we were starting etc. There were somethings that were said that made no sense and then there were other things that just made me laugh. In any event, after the meeting I invited everyone to come out to Blue Sky with me and my mom to have dinner and stuff. It would give us all an opportunity to chat together (and be together before school started) and also give my mom an opportunity to see Blue Sky and what it's all about.
Anyway, before that, we went over to Hankou by ferry and walked around on well, walking street. She did a bit of shopping but then we had to make a quick exit because we were meeting the others for dinner. She really enjoyed it and we decided to go back on Sunday for any last minute shopping and to go to the Thai restaurant out there (anyone who knows, knows that Thai is my favourite food).
So we get back home, meet up with the others and head over to Blue Sky. Cast of characters included Roy, Angela, Annaick, Harry, Melanie, Nick, Chun, a friend of Nick's and then me and my mom. Other friends joined us as the night went on. Matty stix was supposed to be there and we were disappointed when he didn't show up, but half way through the night, there he came. My mom was happy and so was I.
Anyway, the Blue Sky in Wuchang isn't as much a club as the one in Hankou is. The one in Wuchang is more of a sit down and eat restaurant. On special occasions, they clear off a dance floor and yesterday was one of them.
We had a great time! We ate, we drank (some more than others) and we even danced. Mom had a fantastic time and so did I. I was glad to get one last party in before school started up again.
Now a few things to know. I just adore Matty stix. He reminds me of home and he makes me laugh, all the time, every time, and this is when he's sober. My favourite Matty stix, is drunk Matt. That guy is a riot. Then my favourite, favourite Matt, is putting Matt to bed Matt. That guy almost has me peeing in my pants. Well I know that Matt can handle himself, but sometimes he get sooo drunk that I have to handle him. I take off his clothes (and no Tricia, there is no "funny business") and tuck him in after he's had so much to drink that he can't even see straight. As I've said before, this guy is 6'3'' and weighs about 90 lbs soaking wet, so it doesn't take alot for him to get pissed drunk. Anyway, my mom was laughing, and frankly so was I but for some reason, putting him to bed this time was a little more difficult than usual.
Anyway, I finally got him in and had a good laugh. I made it a point of remembering everything that he told me because Matt's favourite part of an evening of drinking, is hearing the stories the next morning of what he did the night before.
Anyway, today's agenda includes meeting my friend Jason for chao kao with my mom, then I don't know whatelse. On Sunday we plan t go to walking street again. After that I'm not sure what the plans are but then mom's gone on Tuesday. So it will be a rushed next couple of days and then on top of that, school's opening on Monday. We'll see