Tuesday, May 30, 2006

One of those days

Well I've gotten another cold. Where did I catch it from? Who the hell knows but I do know that this thing is making my life miserable. It was sort of annoying the past couple days with the occasional sniffle. Now it's a full on cold with coughing and sneezing and the dreaded almost sneeze that seems to last forever. I'm doing my best to keep alive but I have to admit I just feel like I wanna crawl under a rock somewhere till I feel better.
There is a bit of good news though. Thursday is childrens' day and apparently schools are closed on that day. Translation; I get the day off. Now this info was never officially passed on to us. It was more of a tell your friends and they tell their friends and they tell their friends an so on and so on and so on until the info comes to us foreign teachers via some "casual conversation". Also it looks like they'll be having some celebrations the day before and then school would be closed on Thursday. For me this couldn't be better. With fighting this cold I could use the free day off. Plus Thursday (with Friday) is my longest day. Early start and 5 classes back to back. My week will play out as follows: half day Wednesday (as usual), off on Thursday and then just get through my day on Friday and that very evening I'll be partying up with friends. Tonight, I'll be taking things easy and gonna try to hit the sack early. I need rest. I can't take this thing much longer.



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