Fun flys by when you have some time?
Well I had a great weekend. On Friday night I met up with Gary and Barbara and Richie (who are becoming big time party friends) and we went to Club Café for dinner. As usual that ended up in a party and Jos the owner even sang me a song. It was awesome. So at about a quarter to midnight we left Club Café and walked over to Hankou Blue Sky, which is just a five minute walk away. We got here just in time for happy hour. I had a fantastic time. I wasn’t drunk but I was buzzed enough to enjoy myself. Richie was the one who decided to beat me to the punch and got very very drunk. Towards the end of the evening Barbara knew she had to get him home but knew her husband well enough to know that she probably wouldn’t be able to do it. I told her I would help. Basically I did the bait and switch by telling him I needed to talk to him outside but instead when we got there I shoved him into a cab. Barbara was in quick tow and was very grateful that I was able to help her. A few minutes after that, I told Gary I was leaving and I was on my way home. Earlier than normal but I had a great time at Blue Sky and the music was bumpin’
Saturday morning I woke up thanking myself for not staying out late and not having the classic hangover. I had time to just kinda sit around for a bit before I went off to my class. Anyway when I got to my Saturday class the guy Steven (who sorta runs the show over there or is like the head foreign teacher) looks at me and says, “I guess no one called you?” and I said, “Well if someone did would I be here?” Then he gave me this whole run down about the fact that there was a mis-calculation in the courses and last week he told me that this week was the last class but in fact the classes are going on for another 8 weeks into July. Knowing that I won’t be here in July, they brought another teacher in but neglected to inform me of this. Anyway, no real hard feelings, that was supposedly my last day anyways but I did rip Herman a new one. So I told the new teacher John where I was in the class and what I was doing and I told my weekend kids goodbye. They looked at me shocked and some even told me that they would miss me. I guess they felt that they were just getting used to me and just starting to have fun and now I was leaving. All good things must come to an end at some point. Later that afternoon I got home looking forward to my evening. Barbara, Richie and I made plans to meet for dinner and party again for Saturday night. As the evening went on I didn’t feel like really eating and had a couple beers instead. Then Matty stix said he would join us and Annaick was being weird. I knew she didn’t want to come but then she said that she would, then changed her mind and practically gave me the impression that she wanted me to beg her. Well I wasn’t biting. You don’t want to come, you don’t need my permission and I’m certainly not going to beg you so that you could put a dark cloud over my evening. So I told Barbara that I wouldn’t come to Club Café but I would meet her at Blue Sky. So after Matt had a couple beers we decided to head out. We went to Pizza Hut and then to Blue Sky. We got there around 11pm but there weren’t a lot of people. That was soon fixed and the place was bumpin’ shortly after. We had a really great time. Barbara and Richie got there around 12:45 because they found it hard to part themselves away from the good time they were having at Club Café but we all had an amazing time. Matt and I danced (and we had been meaning to do that for a long time) and stole the show in some cases. Ironically enough, him and I dance quite well together. I met some new friends. Matt met some new friends. We really had a good time. In fact, we were there till after 4 am when the staff was practically begging us to finish our drinks so that we could just leave. I woke up later that day on Sunday feeling great but I still stayed at home and did nothing. Once again no English corner this week but I hope to go next week.
Now as far as my big decision goes. I spoke to my mom about this twice and we weighed out several different options. I even asked for your help but no one had anything to say. I almost hear and echo because I’m unsure as to whether or not there’s anyone out there. Anyway, I decided that I would ask Mr. Ye if I could get a six-month contract. If he says yes, then I come home for the summer and go back for 6 months if he says no then I come home and stay there and then find a job.
Well I had to go to the office this morning earlier than I normally would because Matt called me saying that he wasn’t feeling well and wanted me to let his co-teachers as well as Mr Ye to know this. So I headed out and caught Mr. Ye. I told him what I wanted and I told him why, basically indicating that the reason why I can’t stay a full year is because I have plans to go back to school and I didn’t think he would ask me because he asked everyone else, at the very least, a month ago. I made it clear that it took him a long time to ask me. There is no point in trying to tear into Mr. Ye, he is really only the messenger but he told me that he just got this message from the principal last week and that’s why he spoke to me when he did. But I’m glad I made my point clear. Anyway, just before lunch he came to me and said that the school would be ok for letting me stay for the 6 months and tomorrow I should come see him to sign my new contract. I still get the extra 500 RMB a month but they only pay for my ticket one way but I don’t have a problem with that and it is something that I knew and understood before I even made this decision. So sign me up, I feel good but I still can’t wait to get home.
What a weekend huh?
Saturday morning I woke up thanking myself for not staying out late and not having the classic hangover. I had time to just kinda sit around for a bit before I went off to my class. Anyway when I got to my Saturday class the guy Steven (who sorta runs the show over there or is like the head foreign teacher) looks at me and says, “I guess no one called you?” and I said, “Well if someone did would I be here?” Then he gave me this whole run down about the fact that there was a mis-calculation in the courses and last week he told me that this week was the last class but in fact the classes are going on for another 8 weeks into July. Knowing that I won’t be here in July, they brought another teacher in but neglected to inform me of this. Anyway, no real hard feelings, that was supposedly my last day anyways but I did rip Herman a new one. So I told the new teacher John where I was in the class and what I was doing and I told my weekend kids goodbye. They looked at me shocked and some even told me that they would miss me. I guess they felt that they were just getting used to me and just starting to have fun and now I was leaving. All good things must come to an end at some point. Later that afternoon I got home looking forward to my evening. Barbara, Richie and I made plans to meet for dinner and party again for Saturday night. As the evening went on I didn’t feel like really eating and had a couple beers instead. Then Matty stix said he would join us and Annaick was being weird. I knew she didn’t want to come but then she said that she would, then changed her mind and practically gave me the impression that she wanted me to beg her. Well I wasn’t biting. You don’t want to come, you don’t need my permission and I’m certainly not going to beg you so that you could put a dark cloud over my evening. So I told Barbara that I wouldn’t come to Club Café but I would meet her at Blue Sky. So after Matt had a couple beers we decided to head out. We went to Pizza Hut and then to Blue Sky. We got there around 11pm but there weren’t a lot of people. That was soon fixed and the place was bumpin’ shortly after. We had a really great time. Barbara and Richie got there around 12:45 because they found it hard to part themselves away from the good time they were having at Club Café but we all had an amazing time. Matt and I danced (and we had been meaning to do that for a long time) and stole the show in some cases. Ironically enough, him and I dance quite well together. I met some new friends. Matt met some new friends. We really had a good time. In fact, we were there till after 4 am when the staff was practically begging us to finish our drinks so that we could just leave. I woke up later that day on Sunday feeling great but I still stayed at home and did nothing. Once again no English corner this week but I hope to go next week.
Now as far as my big decision goes. I spoke to my mom about this twice and we weighed out several different options. I even asked for your help but no one had anything to say. I almost hear and echo because I’m unsure as to whether or not there’s anyone out there. Anyway, I decided that I would ask Mr. Ye if I could get a six-month contract. If he says yes, then I come home for the summer and go back for 6 months if he says no then I come home and stay there and then find a job.
Well I had to go to the office this morning earlier than I normally would because Matt called me saying that he wasn’t feeling well and wanted me to let his co-teachers as well as Mr Ye to know this. So I headed out and caught Mr. Ye. I told him what I wanted and I told him why, basically indicating that the reason why I can’t stay a full year is because I have plans to go back to school and I didn’t think he would ask me because he asked everyone else, at the very least, a month ago. I made it clear that it took him a long time to ask me. There is no point in trying to tear into Mr. Ye, he is really only the messenger but he told me that he just got this message from the principal last week and that’s why he spoke to me when he did. But I’m glad I made my point clear. Anyway, just before lunch he came to me and said that the school would be ok for letting me stay for the 6 months and tomorrow I should come see him to sign my new contract. I still get the extra 500 RMB a month but they only pay for my ticket one way but I don’t have a problem with that and it is something that I knew and understood before I even made this decision. So sign me up, I feel good but I still can’t wait to get home.
What a weekend huh?
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