Monday, August 22, 2005


Well quite a few things to tell today so get ready.
I got to my doctor's appointment and was kinda pissed because I had to wait a while. I know this is normal but if someone did their job then I wouldn't have even been there on Friday to begin with. Normally I don't mind waiting but I had a lot of things to do that day. So I finally see my doctor and he was happy to see me (especially since my weight loss). He was happy to know that I was going to China and the awesome thing is that he's going to be very helpful in getting my stuff together. It's really good when you have a rapport with your doctor. Anyway I had some blood tests done and I have to go back today for some more tests and then have the complete physical done. So hopefully that can be completed today and I can fax that form back to the school.
In addition to the many things I had to do on Friday, I also got another tattoo done. My best friend Tricia-Leigh and I cemented our friendship with matching tattoos. We both got the words "no regrets" tattooed on our upper thighs. Her on her left thigh and me on my right. We both believed that we felt the same way about that phrase even though they are applicable in different ways for the two of us. So that was painful but really awesome too. Although when we came out of the tattoo shop at 3 o'clock in the afternoon we swore it was 10 o'clock at night. The weather was very bizarre.
Anyway we got to tent city that night and had a blast as usual. Actually we've started these laughing fits that last forever, especially since we are all just laughing at each others laughs. When we all start laughing it sounds like a full on barnyard.
With the overcast weather, numbers were not their greatest at renn faire. Although, that would have been one of the best days to come there. It didn't rain all day (except for the evening) it was just overcast and it was good because there was no killer heat out there, and no sun beating down on you. But as people and weather go, they like to be outside when it's a sunny day. Can't say I blame them but everyone wishes that more people came out on Saturday.
Other than the weather on Saturday, it was still a very good day. What made up for it was an awesome party at my friend Richard's house. He has it every year. This man is such an awesome cook and he had deep fried turkey and baked beans and all kinds of good stuff. We had an awesome time. We got drunk and drunker and had tons of fun, especially when we molested each other as we always do.
Did I mention Chris Kerba's butt? Yeah, nice butt.
BTW, I was looking smashing at that party.
BEAUTIFUL DAY! It was a perfect day. The sun was shining all day and there was a wonderful breeze. It was strong at times but the good thing was it was constant. It made things much easier. With the breeze keeping you cool and the sun shining it was great. I didn't even sweat that day and I was all over the place rather spending the day in the hat shop. The bad thing was we lost alot of cast members to the under estimated heat. It was quite odd actually. Now that we had record numbers for the faire (our best day to date), there was no one to entertain the people. But we did the best with what we had. Trips to the motherland are getting more and more popular. The trips are becoming a bit of a bit at pub sing. I ain't gonna lie and say I'm not enjoying this. It so much fun and is great advertisement for me and now everyone is getting into it. There are still a few other people that have to get trips which will happen next week. I think I'm gonna have to start making appointments or giving out numbers and getting one of those "now serving" signs. That motherland is becoming quite the vacation spot.
Once again if there are any of you readers out there who want trips to the motherland or know someone who could use a trip, please remember that this is my last weekend coming up. You gotta come to the faire though. It aint gonna happen otherwise. Also if you are interested in coming, if you tell me well enough in advanced, I could get you in on one of my comp passes. But you have to let me know and before I run out of comps.
I was sitting in the kitchen and saw a FedEx truck outside. I knew it was for me. The driver was out there for a little while on the phone and I was watching him. Then he got out and started coming toward the house. I got the official invitation letter. It was very exciting. I've never received a FedEx package and now I got one all the way from China. So there are 2 letters in the package. One from the Chinese government and and the other from the school. Most of it written in chinese. I understood the parts where my name was written but other than that it was gobbily gook. So I have another appointment with my doctor today to have some other stuff done and hopefully complete the examination so that I can fax the form to the school. Now that I have the letters I can go to the embassy tomorrow morning to get the visa.
I wanted to take my car in for service since it's past due and I want it to be in somewhat good condition since it's not going to be driven much over the next 10 months. I wish I could get the brakes fixed and the oil leak repaired but that will unfortunately have to wait till I get back or maybe if I could send some money I could get my mom to take care of it while I'm gone.
So now I really have to get my game face on. My dad is coming from Trinidad on Wednesday, so I'll have some extra company. I have to start packing as well and I have to buy another piece of luggage. I have to try to get as much done as possible and even pack my bags by Thursday or at the latest Friday so that I can just enjoy my last weekend, come home on Sunday, maybe pack any last minute items, go to bed and wake up early to go to the airport.
So that's the big update.


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