Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dont you just love new things?

Ok so I got my income tax back.....finally. Actually I was a litlle worried when it took so long to come in after I sent in a cheque fordirect deposit. But it finally came in the form of a regular government cheque. This is why it took so long. Any I had a lot of plans for this cheque. Some I can do but most I can't. Anyway 2 of the most important things were a new matress and a laptop computer. YEAH! I was able get both. Right now I'm waiting on sleep country to deliver my new matress. It's a pillow top and it feels so good when you lie on it. My old matress was the most annoying thing and must have been about 75 years old. It made all this creaking and squeaking noises that annoyed me. Sometimes, when you sat on it, it sounded like you farted. Now you know why I'm getting rid of it. What's cool about sleep country as well, is that they donate your old matress to charity, which is really good. I feel sorry for the charity that gets this one. They'll have to find a way to stop the squeaking.....not to mention the "dents" I've left in that thing from all that "nocturnal activity", if you know what I'm saying. Yeah, it was bound to happen. I had to get perverted at some point.
Now on my laptop. It's pretty neat. It's a brand that I've never really heard of before but the price was in my budget and it has all the features and programs that I'll need that is available with any other manufacturer. The way things are going with technology now, while there are some people that are way better than others, everyone is pretty much at the same level. That's my opinion anyways. Plus this is my website so my opinion is the only one that really counts. You want your opinion to count? get your own website....haha. Anyway, I look forward to many nights ofblissful sleep (while I'm in Canada atleast) and many hours of internet and typing on my new laptop.
So as usual.... keep smiling laughing and enjoying life. I'll try my best to entertain. TTFN.

Friday, April 29, 2005


Sorry it has been so long since I've updated my blog but computer problems coupled with a lack of motivation is a bad idea. Any way here is the scoop so far. Last week's bartending class was ok. I could have done with out but I'm actually getting quite good. I went to the liquor store and bought mickey's of as much stuff as I could get my hands on. I started to make drinks for practice and gave them to my mom. Well now I've turned my mom into and alcoholic. Every night she has asked me for cocktails. Now I have to tell her the bar is closed so that the alcohol can last longer. The class this week was really good. I had to suffer through a boring early afternoon but the morning was good because we got to practice making drinks. Alot of the drinks I was able to make with minimal prompting which is really good because it shows that I'm actually retaining info. My other classmates were impressed. What can I say I'm the man. Anyway, we then had a beer lecture and then the fun began. We had a shooter class where we were able to pay $5 for all we could drink.......real alcohol. I had about 6-7 shooters. That was great!!! I was a bit shaky on the way home but I was commuting so it was not too bad. Either way I'm having a lot of fun in that class. I'm going to be getting my smart serve next week so that will be better for getting a job. Also, I had some business cards made up so now I can feel cool and hand them out to people who probably already have my info. The main reason though why I got them done is because my instructor does a lot of bartending for private parties. She indicated that she would be willing to have people shadow here the next time she goes out provided you had your smart serve. She says that private parties is where the really money is. Alot of the times you are working in a set up where it is open bar and alot of people are huge tippers because they're happy to be drinking all night without having to pay for it so it's nothing for them to drop a $20 for a tip for the bartender. Also in these environments you'll find other people who are planning or having a party in the future and they need a bartender. So it's a great way to network. She was also telling me of an event that she did where she made $1000 in tips in the one night and she got to keep the booze. she got bottles and bottles of alcohol for free, plus the money she made in tips, plus what the event paid her and the tip the event gave her for her work. So as you can see, bartending can be quite lucrative and doesn't have to necessarily be limited to a bar, night club or restaurant. So that's my advice for now.
Moving right along, I've just purchased a laptop and will have full internet access etc, I should not have any problems keeping this blog up to date and trying my best to keep you entertained. So for now, Peace out!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I saw this perfect specimen of a man one time. He was gorgeous. He had this beutiful tan skin, blond hair that was very well groomed and the most stricking blue eyes. Not to mention the fact that he had an amazing body. Good muscle tone. He was wearing a vest so you could really see the arms and the pecs. I was ready to jump this man. Then he turned around and had the cutest butt. He was wearing shorts so you could see he had nice.......... legs. Then, I saw it, upon looking down further. He was wearing socks and sandals. FASHION FAUX PAS! I mean, how dare he. I had a remote thought of sleeping with this man and he was wearing SOCKS with SANDALS?! I don't think so. How can a man like that be so beautiful and have absolutely no fashion sense. From the ankles up he was great but after that he looked like Grampa. Are we all this judgemental? I guess sometimes we can be. Or maybe it is just easy to judge someone by what they look like because you don't really know them. I mean all you have in common with that person at that moment is that you are both human beings and you are at the same location for a split second in time.
Hmmm, something to think about I guess.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Sex in the City

You know I was just reading that last blog and toward the end it had an almost Carrie Bradshaw, Sex in the City type vibe. I suppose we could go in that direction. Hey lets face facts...... we all love sex and we are all in some city, right? Whatever, just work with me here. Enjoy the blogs and I'll try my best to keep you entertained.

Just passing by

Well I now have all the money for the teaching course and I'll be mailing that out today. Actually I'll be taking the course in exactly a month, so the count down is on. It's going to be hard to get downtown everyday for the week I'll be taking the course but on the plus side, taking it at that time is best because it only takes a week. I could have taken it at another time but then that would only be weekends and it takes about 3 weekends which translates into 3 weeks. It'll be better this way. Also on the plus side, I don't really have a job or any daytime commitments so it makes it easy for me to get there as I'm not going to have to rush there from work or something. I am so incredibly excited about starting this course as it signifies my first step to China. I have to admit that I'm full of many feelings. Most of all I'm excited, I'm nervous and a little scared. Everyone who I've discussed this with has told me about a friend or family member who has done this and who has had only good things to say about it upon there return. Soon (hopefully) I'll be one of those people to sat good things on my return. One of the biggest reasons why I feel I'm doing this is because I really want to see the world before I decide to "settle down" or do whatever it is I want to do. There has to be more to life than doing what people do everyday. There are 6.2 billion people in the world and I'm a citizen of earth and being a citizen, shouldn't I see what more the world has to offer? Sorry to get philosophical on you but it's the truth. As Rizzo said in Grease "I'm gonna get my kicks, while I'm still young enough to get them" I'll leave you with that thought for now.
Till next time

Friday, April 15, 2005

It's like the first day of school....

Well I had my first day of class in the bartending course I've enrolled in. It was weird because it was like the first day of school but not. Plus the teacher was hot and I could date him if I wanted to. You probably couldn't do something like that in high school. All and all it was great. I thought I was a big drinker and I knew a lot but there are many, many drinks out there and many things you need to know about making drinks. I was making so many mistakes but I'll get that taken care of soon enough. Also I'm going to take my smart serve as well (for those of you who don't know the 'smart serve' is basically a one day course that teaches you the legalities of alcohol and how you could be a better server. Also how not to get yourself in trouble when tending a bar). Anyway, that course I can do online in a couple hours and that will be fun as well. I'm debating on whether or not I want to do any bartending or serving to keep myself occupied before I go and after I complete the course. I'm just worried if it's gonna cause more hassle that relief. I'll have to see how things go but you can rest assured that you'll be kept in the loop.
Till next time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Slowly coming along

Well I'm getting there step by step. I'm already registered for the teaching course and I have half the cost in a money order. Tomorrow I'll get the other half and I'll be able to send that in the same day. I've been on some websites for job placements in China and the jobs out there look great. There are alot of good places to work in some great locations in China. I can't wait to get out there and be able to do what I do best...... well atleast one of the things I do best. (LOL) I'll keep you posted as time goes on. Things will really start to pick up once I'm in the middle of taking the course and after I get a job. For now I'm taking are bartending course to keep myself busy till July. Anyway, TTFN

Friday, April 08, 2005

First time try

I'm so excited about going to China that I had to start this now. I've been on a few websites and job postings look good. I'll be looking forward to my new adventure. I've booked the course and will have that done in a week. I'd like to leave between mid to late July and by the looks of things, it is totally possible. I'm looking forward to completing these blogs as much as I hope you will enjoy reading them. These blogs will truly capture my wacky thought process before, during and after this wonderful opportunity and experience.