Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Just passing by

Well I now have all the money for the teaching course and I'll be mailing that out today. Actually I'll be taking the course in exactly a month, so the count down is on. It's going to be hard to get downtown everyday for the week I'll be taking the course but on the plus side, taking it at that time is best because it only takes a week. I could have taken it at another time but then that would only be weekends and it takes about 3 weekends which translates into 3 weeks. It'll be better this way. Also on the plus side, I don't really have a job or any daytime commitments so it makes it easy for me to get there as I'm not going to have to rush there from work or something. I am so incredibly excited about starting this course as it signifies my first step to China. I have to admit that I'm full of many feelings. Most of all I'm excited, I'm nervous and a little scared. Everyone who I've discussed this with has told me about a friend or family member who has done this and who has had only good things to say about it upon there return. Soon (hopefully) I'll be one of those people to sat good things on my return. One of the biggest reasons why I feel I'm doing this is because I really want to see the world before I decide to "settle down" or do whatever it is I want to do. There has to be more to life than doing what people do everyday. There are 6.2 billion people in the world and I'm a citizen of earth and being a citizen, shouldn't I see what more the world has to offer? Sorry to get philosophical on you but it's the truth. As Rizzo said in Grease "I'm gonna get my kicks, while I'm still young enough to get them" I'll leave you with that thought for now.
Till next time


Blogger Vicky said...

Hello, hello :) Hey, no mention of us?? Jeez, louise!! Anyways, let me know when you're downtown. Maybe you and I can get together one night after work :) I work downtown TOO ya know... and where downtown is the course??

11:06 a.m.  

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