Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Meh meh meh

I'm just gonna give you Coles notes version because I haven't got the strength. Friday night we went to Vox and I had a great time. The boys almost left without me but then they recovered. Matt has this thing about going out for noodles after a night out regardless of how late it is or who's passed out or not. This time it was super late and his brother Alex was passed out. He convinced Klaver to go with him which wasn't hard because Klaver was drunk and then I had to take care of his passed out brother. Luckily when I got home, Moose was coming in at the same time and he helped me get Alex in. I went to bed.
Saturday I was thinking about going out but at the last minute I changed my mind. I sent a text message to Klaver letting him know I wasn't coming and then I was in bed by 9pm. Sunday was a lazy day and I can't say I really did much of anything but when Monday came I just wasn't in the mood to face the school. I called in sick (which I'll probably regret later) and stayed home that day. Klaver apparently was out all night and came home just in time for morning coffee. He too, feeling the affects of an all nighter, didn't feel like going in and also called in sick. Him and I had the best day. We spent it just really hanging out, watching tv, laughing at stupid things and just getting to know each other more and it also provided him greater opprtunity to bother, annoy and nag me about the fact that I'm leaving in February. Also it gave him opportunity to provide me with the most assinine reasons for staying. All in all it was such a great day. I got to work yesterday and was in a contact state of rolling my eyes. I just didn't want to be there and both my co-teachers annoy me. They seem to annoy more and more everyday. Anyway, today wasn't too bad. I had my morning and found that in grade one, out of my two classes, one of these classes has a collective IQ of minus 7.
Anyway Colin and Matty stix had show lessons today and that was ok. Fun to watch. I'm hoping I won't have to do one. Time wise I may not fit in there but they may do it just to spite me. I taught K1 today and I think they're really starting to like me. Understandably it has taken them a while to get used to me. Heck last year it took my grade ones something like a month before they got used to me.
Anyway, I just got it. I'm pretty tired. It's raining outside and the weather is starting to get colder. It's sweater and light jacket cold but definitely not gloves and coat cold.



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