Well piss on that
Ok, so things haven't changed that much in the past few days. From what I've heard, the school has spoken to everyone except myself and Nick. Now me, I could sort of understand. I don't have alot of experience and I am quite loud, but not asking Nick. I don't get. He has tons of experience and he speaks chinese, he has a very strong knowledge of chinese culture and teaching in chinese schools. I just don't get that. Now before I was told this information (which was actually just a few hours ago) I had already made my decision. Regardless of whether or not the school wants me back ( and I don't believe that they do), I'm coming home to Canada and I plan on staying there. Mind you I have many opportunities with other schools if I did decide to stay. Ultimately however, it was my original decision to come to China for a year. I guess part of me wanted to stay because I was having such a great time and I was meeting so many new and interesting people from all corners of the world and I guess I just didn't want to see those good times come to an end. But, like everything else, nothing can last forever. I have a life in Canada and I have a future to think of. The longer I stay in China, the longer I'll be putting my plans, my life and my future on hold. And when I really thought about it, what was I doing that for? For a couple more weekends of bliss filled parties? Well I could do that any day of the week with my friends in Canada and I don't have to worry about asking for what I want in broken chinese. Nick and I are seeing that they are treating us as the back up plans and I refuse to be treated that way. Not by anyone and certainly not by the people in this country. Unfortunately because alot of them allow their ignorance to make decisions, they are missing out on a good thing. I'm a great teacher and I know it. At the end of my contract, I've gotten y 2 semesters of experience and I'll ask for my letter of recommendation (something that they cannot deny me) and I'm coming home. Home to Canada, where things are normal and I can say, think, feel and be whatever I want.
So that's my story. I don't know if I would continue my blog after I return. I know my life can be pretty interesting sometimes but I don't know if everything that happens after I get back would be all that blog worthy but I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get there. So to everyone at home, put the champagne on ice and tie a yellow ribbon around the tree (I heard that in a movie once), I'll be coming home. I'll be coming home to stay.

So that's my story. I don't know if I would continue my blog after I return. I know my life can be pretty interesting sometimes but I don't know if everything that happens after I get back would be all that blog worthy but I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get there. So to everyone at home, put the champagne on ice and tie a yellow ribbon around the tree (I heard that in a movie once), I'll be coming home. I'll be coming home to stay.

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