Wednesday, April 12, 2006

People forget

You know, people seem to forget that I'm a very sensitive person. I mean, when alot people meet me they make assumptions. Alot of the time people think because I'm big and I got a serious look on my face that I'm this super balls busting kinda chick. On many occasions, I come off as a raging bitch but this is not always the case. I am quite sensitive and I have moments of insecurity and times when I cry. Unfortunately, not too many people get to see this side of me. The people at my school, don't even know that this side of me exists.
The point I am trying to make is this. I really want to stay with the school another year but it's not the kind of thing that I could just sign up for. I have to wait for them to ask me to come back. The crappy side of this is.... because I am black they would rather renew my contract if they had no other choice but to do so. I'm not trying to imply that I got dealt a bad hand or anything OR just playing the race card for fun. This is actually how these people think. They are in fact racist against black people. So if they can't get another teacher, they would ask me but if they do get another teacher, they'll say "Thanks for all your great work Litisha, but we won't be needing your services next year" and this is no matter how could of a teacher I am. They are just that brainwashed.
Anyway, as it stands right now, they have asked Annaick to stay (and by asked I mean practically begged) but this I could understand. She is a teacher with a decade of experience. My problem lies in the fact that they have already asked Matty stix to stay another year. COMA WHAT!!? I've been here longer than Matt, not much longer but longer nonetheless. Technically I have more experience than him but they asked him first. Mind you, I love Matt and am very happy for him but WTF?! So here I sit, just waiting for them to give me the thumbs up or down. I've done a couple tactics to see if this would help get me anywhere but really, I don't know what to do. I just have to wait. But I'll tell you this, I won't wait forever and definitely not till the last minute. They better tell me something soon enough so that I could get my stuff together. Whether I have to pack all my things or just a few. Whether I book a one way ticket or a return. These are things I need to know. So, I'll see how things go and as usual, I'll keep you posted.



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