Thursday, December 01, 2005

Time marches on

Well things are all about the same as usual. We got paid yesterday and, ha ha surprise, we went shopping. Bre needed an MP3 and I was looking to buy some DVD's. I made a point of saying before I got to China that I was going to go nuts buying DVD's because they are so cheap. It's averaged at about 90 cents CDN a movie. Then when I got here and I found that the movies were not in the cases I know them to be in but in these almost envelopes with the title etc on it, I was disinclined to buy them. Then I saw movies that I had had my eye on for a very long time and just gave up. If the quality is good, then who cares.
About a week before payday, Matty sticks and I made a pact to go on a DVD bender on payday. Well we stayed true to that.
Anyway, like I said Bre needed an MP3 and we decided to go to computer city. Cast of characters included myself, Bre and Winnie. Daisy and Matty sticks said that they would meet us there later. We get there and Bre was being so annoying. She didn't like anything she saw and I found out later that she never ended up buying one. But I'm skipping ahead. Anyway, I was starting to grow weary of Bre's whining and I'm sure Winnie was getting frustrated because she was translating for Bre and pretty much had no choice but to be there.
I would stand there for a bit, then walk away. In one of my walks away, Daisy spotted me from outside and Matty sticks was in tow. She was lucky to see me because computer city is quite large and they would have spent alot of time looking for us.
Anyway, I told Matty sticks that I was getting fed up of this and I wanted to go out and buy some DVD's. These guys sell the stuff in boxes on the sidewalk. Y5 a movie. Pretty cool. So I got about 6 or so and Matty sticks got a few, then we got hungry. Daisy suggested this place to go for chao kao (barbequed lamb, usually). We were off in search of food. It was funny because we couldn't find Bre and Winnie to tell them we were going somewhere else and even if we did, it wouldn't matter.
So we ate and the food was good. Then Daisy told Matty sticks and I the bus to take to get home. It was a bus we never took before and it was a long ride but it gave us a view of other parts of town we never saw before. We finally got to our stop and started to walk home. On the way, we did a bit more shopping then went to this store and really went on our DVD bender. In total I purchased 20 movies and Matt got about 18 or 19. On the way home we noticed that some places had christmas decorations up. It was great to see and we were both surprised to even see them up.
Yesterday I was told that the Administrator for foreign teachers was coming and we had to make sure the frat house was in tip top shape. Our cleaning lady was been going crazy cleaning everything in sight.
Today we found that they put christmas decorations in the frat house. Now things are starting to happen. It looks great. We even have a partially decorated tree. Not too bad considering.
On tomorrow's menu, we'll be going to Blue Sky in Hankou. We're gonna be doing some dancing and drinking so that should be fun.
Anyway, that's all that's been happening.



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