Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Monday, Sept 19th. day time

Just another regular day at school. When I first came to China, Patrick was playing his guitar and I asked him if he would teach me He replied with a cheerful yes but I honestly didn't think it would happen.
Well I got a whim and decided that I would buy a guitar. Patrick offered to go with me to the store to check out a few but I told him that I would have to wait till the end of the month before I bought it (depending on the cost). We went to this one store and all the guitars there sucked. Then we went to another store that sold mostly electric guitars but they had an acoustic one just sitting there. Then I found out that it was both acoustic and electric. What a bonus!! It was the correct weight and size for me and cost Y300, which is about 50 bucks. Then I got him to throw in a carrying bag, strap, and pick. I was in heaven. Never did I think I would buy a guitar, much less seriously play one. I've always said that I've envied people who can play an instrument but I never did anything about it....and now I am.
So Patrick has been an awesome teacher and I've been learning pretty well. The only downside. I have to wait till my finger tips develop calluses. Right now they are sore and tender but I have to keep practicing till I get past that.
Anyway, I'll keep you posted on me and my lessons.


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