Sunday, August 06, 2006

I know it's been a while

I'm currently working on the Vegas trip because I do want to eventually get it out there but nothing much else has been going on. I've been spending alot of time vegging out and that feels pretty good. I still have a few people to visit and I'm not sure how that's going to work out since my time is getting limited and so is my cash. I do have my ticket purchased to get me back to China. I leave on Aug 27th and am due to arrive on Aug 28th.
I have heard from Mr Ye though. He said that they are changing the frathouse to another set of offices and they are moving us to apartments on or near the campus of the branch school. I may not have mentioned it before but our school has a branch/second location located about 20-30 mins away from the main school. This works out nicely because I'll have my own space but I hope they keep us in or around the same area or floor or whatever so that we can still hang out together they way we did before. When I get back, I have to prepare to move the rest of my stuff out. Mr Ye sent me an email saying that they could move my stuff for me and keep it safe somewhere. I was like, "No dice" Nobody enters my room when I'm not there. Especially when it means going through my drawers etc. I left alot of things in my room because I intended on coming back there. Anyway, long story short. They will leave my room and I have to move as soon as I get there and just before school starts. I guess the good news is that I know in advance and they just didn't spring it on me just after I got off the plane or something. Also, in addition to teaching at the main school, I will also be teaching at the branch school. I still don't know what grade it will be and I am hoping that I get paid good extra cash for any extra classes I may be teaching. Also, I'm gonna be looking for extra work in the evening and weekends if I can.
Anyway, soon I'm gonna have to start preparing for my return and in many ways I don't want to go but have no real choice now. I'm having the hardest time getting internet to my laptop, so that has been keeping me busy but for the most part, I just really enjoy hanging out with my friends. Anyway, I hope to have Vegas up here soon. It's alot of info and alot of details to re-type. Prepare for a long read once I do get it up.



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