Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I miss......I hate.......not to mention the smells

Ok, besides the obvious, one of the things I miss is writing in cursive handwriting. The students are just learning and I have to keep the letters seperated so that they can see and understand each one. Sometimes I find myslef writing a word and then having to erase it because I wrote it using my cursive handwriting. Sometimes it's a pain, but what can I do.
I hate having to say hello, just about every 30 seconds. Some of the students know english. Some know more than others but all of the students know the word hello. All of them and when they see me or any other teacher, they just bombard you with that word. HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, HELLO. And like I said before the concept of personal space has eluded them so when they wave, they put their hands right in your face. I'm nearly going hoarse saying hello to everyone. Some of the older kids, know how to say what's your name, my name is and nice to meet you. But when all else fails, they only say hello. And the thing that kills me the most is, they can say the word hello but if you try to get them to just say the letter L, they do it with great difficulty. I just don't get it.
Speaking of things I hate, not to mention the smells. Everyday, I'm bombarded with smells on the street. There are many street vendors that sell food. Usually the same things can be found everywhere. There is this one dish that's made in a wok. It looks like it's being fried up or something. I can't really tell you because I've never gotten too close. This thing stinks to high heaven. I can't really describe the smell but if I had to I would describe it as rotting garbage covered in baby diapers filled with baby poop. The thing that kills me is I find it hard to believe that they think this is a pleasant odour and line up to get this meal. That's the most revolting thing I've smelled ever and usually try to plug my nose when passing. There are many other stinks that float around but that one is a killer.



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