Thursday, November 06, 2008

Working hard for the money

Well, I had the two extra lessons this week and it wasn't too bad. I had the first class yesterday with the young boy. I think he might be 9 or 10. His lesson wasn't too bad and the parents were really nice. The building they live in is affectionately known as little Japan. The security is crazy but the style of the building (according to Naomi (the Japanese girl that's Suraj's assistant)) is a Japanese style. We got onto the floor and it was unlike anything I had seen before. She told me that 95% of the people that lived in that building were Japanese. She said that the building even smelled like Japan. The set up was truly different. The center of the building is open all the way from top to bottom. So when you get to the floor, you don't walk down a hallway. You can see all the floors. It's actually kinda hard to explain. The next time I go, I'll take a pic and show it to you. Anyway, their apartment was nice. It looked well lived in and it was very apparent that dad did a lot of travelling. They had many fridge magnets and they were almost all from different cities around the world. The lesson itself was slightly painful since I was exhausted but I managed to make it through. It's only an hour and a half and with all the repeating, I made the most of it.
Today I had the other lesson with the two kids. There was a bit of a problem though. These people don't live near a subway station so, it's a bit of an issue for me to take a taxi. I don't have money for cab fare and the distance is way too far to walk. Naomi said she'd talk to Suraj and see if there's something that can be worked out. The mom said that there was a shuttle bus that was available but we'll have to look into that some more. The place where these people live is really nice. It seems like there are possibly two apartments to a floor and there are two sets of elevators. However, the elevator to their floor doesn't open to their apartment but basically it does. They are the only apartment on that side of the floor. The only thing stopping the elevator doors from opening directly into their actual apartment is a foyer and a door. It's actually pretty cool. Not to mention the fact that the apartment itself is really nice. It's all white and they have this beautiful wall mounted flat screen TV. Lessons with these kids aren't too bad because it's the two of them so any assignment takes a bit longer to get through, but again, I managed to work it out.
Anyway, it's starting to get really cold and rainy lately. I haven't had to turn on the heat yet or wear my long john's but I know the day is coming soon. Speaking of things coming soon. My D-Day isn't coming soon enough. It would seem that I mis-calculated my departure date. December decided to have 5 weeks in it this year. This extra week now bumps me back to 10.5 weeks left in this hell as opposed to the 9.5 I was calculating. No problem, this extra work should help the time go by faster. I'm glad I got it and I hope it stays steady. As usual, I'll keep you posted



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