Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another batter steps up to the plate

So I got contact from another school in Shanghai. They're offering between Y8000-Y9000. I'm hoping that my experience would allow me the luxury of acquiring the Y9000/mth paycheck but I'll have to wait and see. They're eager to contact me for a phone interview. So now I have to spend sleepless nights waiting on phone calls from 3 different schools. I emailed the first two schools basically telling them that they need to get their shit together and call soon so that I can get my shit together in a reasonable time. I plan on leaving a week tomorrow. This will give me enough time to get my visa, get myself packed up and say my round of goodbyes in addition to giving me some time to settle in and adjust once I'm over there. Leaving on Wednesday means I'll be there on Thursday. That'll give me a couple days to adjust to the new time zone and I still have the weekend before I start school. I hate how these people like to wait to the last minute to do everything. If push comes to shove, and I don't immediately get the offer I want, I'll just accept it and then if the better one comes along, I can pull out and go that way. I just want to make sure I have a school lined up before I start buying tickets and getting visas. We'll see how this whole thing unfolds.



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