Monday, June 13, 2005


Why exactly are people complaining about the "heat wave"? I can understand if you are not used to it or don't like hot weather but I'm talking about the people who complain in the winter that it's too cold. Some of these people even leave the country to go to the Caribbean or even Cuba or Mexico to get that heat they have been begging for. Then when summer hits, and we get a "heat wave"...... you all complain. I just don't get it.

This is the same heat you had to pay money for and now you are getting it for free.

This is the same heat you begged old man winter to bring for you because you couldn't stand one more day of frost-bitten toes.

This is the same heat you were wishing for when you were shoveling the driveway with the knee deep snow.

It's not like you didn't know that summer was coming. The seasons have a way of changing. Heck summer comes once a year, every year. You knew it was going to be hot. When they said it was going to be a cold winter, did you not prepare by buying those longjohns or that new scarf? Then prepare for summer. Buy your skimpy outfits, short pants and tank tops. Listen, if you are going to complain about the winter, then don't complain when it gets hot. The only way I will accept a heat realted complaint is if it is very humid. Humidity is a bitch and does affect breating and people whith asthma etc. When it is very humid you tend to lose water faster and it can affect you overall health very rapidly. But there are ways to deals with this....


So in conclusion, don't complain when it's hot, you'll regret it when that winter comes along. Here comes the enjoy it.
For me it can never get hot enough, but then again, I grew up in a tropical country.


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