Monday, May 09, 2005

A Seinfeld Moment

What is the deal with the young boys nowadays. They all look the same. They all where the same baggy ass jeans that hang down to their knees. Then about 3-4 shirts all of which are un-tucked. Then a jacket that is way too big. Then they top it off with a baseball cap that they wear just off to the side. Yet all of them claim to be a unique rebel. How can you be unique if you look just like all your friends? Then there is the girls. Lately, I've been noticing these chicks where pants just below their guts. This does not look good. Somebody needs to tell these girls that this style does not look good. The pants hang down below the hip, then they wear a baby tee with it so all you see for a while is this tremendous gut. Now I know I'm a big girl and I have a gut, but I keep mine hidden under clothes where it should be. I just don't get it. Now if they are not wearing this style then they are wearing pajamas. YES, pajamas. In broad daylight with God only knows what else. What's the deal with the youth today. They have absolutely no fashion sense. Who's with me in starting an actual fashion police that stops these people and beats some sense into them? Once again, just my two cents but you should let that marinate for a little bit. TTFN.

PS. The next update to these blogs will be on Sunday May 15th. Currently I'm in London, Ont and don't have convenient access to a computer right now. I'll have to wait or you'll have to wait till I get back home. Thanks for your patience.


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