Tuesday, June 14, 2005

It's now Kitty Love not Puppy Love

Well the day I start my class for teaching ESL is fast approaching. My first day is on Saturday. The only downside is that I have to go downtown to the UofT campus. I haven't fully decided how I'm gonna get there but I do think it will involve the TTC. Well I gotta say, it's starting to sink in a bit that I'm going to China eventually, but I think the reality of it all will hit me like a ton of bricks once I actually take on a contract and have more firm plans of where I'm going and what I'll be doing.....exactly.
Now you are probably wondering about the title of this blog and what it means precisely. Well here it is.....
as some of you are aware or if you have been reading my blogs you'd know that I adopted another cat which I named Thorn. Anyway, things at home with my now 2 cats have been hectic for both. He's just getting used to his surroundings and is being told "no" a lot since there are a lot of things he does that a wrong in this household. Then for Willow, she's having a hard time marking her territory and making her presence known. So as a result there has been a lot of fighting between the two. His need for acceptance and her need to be dominant. Anyway, the fighting has slowed down a bit and there have been moments where she seems to be playfully teasing him. I think he's completely enamored with her but she's playing hard to get. Moving right along, there were times when I caught them both on my bed or they were both lying in the same area but they weren't in real close proximity to each other. That is until yesterday.
Among other furniture, there is a single chair in the basement. Willow got up on it first and then she attempted to jump to the coffee table by slowly reaching for it. I scolded her and she recoiled to a sitting then laying down position on the chair. Now Thorn was witness to this and after a few minutes he made his way to the same chair Willow was sitting in. For some reason she didn't hiss, growl or even look up at him as he made his "move". He then moved to the other half of the chair and inched his way to the coffee table as if to jump up on it. I scolded him and he recoiled into a sitting then laying down position on the chair right next to the cat that has been fighting him. Now the two of them are sitting on the chair and he looks happy and she's trying to ignore him but at the same time isn't upset. I just looked at him and thought "you little stinker. You did that on purpose. Just so that you could sit next to her."
The way I see it, he did the kitty equivalent of a girl and a guy sitting in the movie theatre and him pretending to yawn with a big arm stretch so he could get his arm around you. So he's completely in love with her and will do anything to be around her or get her attention. I have now realized that cats have a certain flair for the dance of love. Guys, take note.


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