To sum up.....bah-humbug etc
So quite a bit has happened over the past few days but I'm gonna have to give you the Cole's Notes version.
First things first, I had a class with Kid Castle 2 Saturdays ago. It was barely worth the money. I was beyond exhausted and it was students that I'd taught before and wasn't looking forward to teaching again. I got "sick" half way during the day and bolted outta there.
At the kindergarten, it looks like I'm being watched there now. The main teacher is watching the time I arrive at her class and the one next door to her. Yesterday she told me that I didn't arrive at 11:10 but I got there at 11:12. I told her I was wiling to stay the extra 2 minutes if absolutely necessary. She said no but you could tell it bothered her. The way I see it, if you don't want me to stay the 2 minutes, why mention it? Why is it even an issue?
Yesterday, the middle school had their show. I had no idea it was something that was going to be done on such a large scale. This is where our Cinderella story came in. I watched some of the other acts and it was pretty good. For our play, we had 2 boys play the ugly step-sisters. This was priceless! Although, one of the boys seemed a little too "comfortable" in his dress (if you catch my drift). The other boy is just such a funny guy that the whole thing worked. I was surprised at the overall talent of some of the students at the school. All in all, it wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be.
Well, I was pretty down in the dumps since my boss denied me the time off to go to Wuhan and spend Christmas with friends. You know, I didn't really believe in Christmas miracles until recently. I was bummed because I had to work over Christmas but I guess because I believed that I shouldn't have, it was like a Christmas wish......and it came true. The unfortunate thing about this Christmas wish is that it wasn't all "Tiny Tim can walk now" or "That kid spoke for the first time in 5 years". In fact my wish was granted to me in the most disgusting way possible. So you must be wondering, what is the one thing that can give me Christmas day off guilt free? Well that would be a wicked case of coming-out-of-both-ends-iosis. There's a little restaurant around the corner from my place. I eat there maybe once or twice a week. On Christmas Eve, I picked up some food and apparently picked up a bit of food poisoning too. I spent all night with the porcelain god and it wasn't pretty. By morning I was a mess. Then, so as not to give my boss any doubt, I dragged myself to work. I got there and couldn't go anymore. The principal had to get a student's parent to drive me back to the subway station so that I could go back home. Who would have thunk it? I didn't want to work for Christmas, I was denied the time off and I got Christmas off anyways. Later on Christmas day, Klaver came over, we did our gift exchange, watched a Christmas movie and spent some time together but I had to tuck in pretty early in order to get enough rest to be able to work the next day.
Charles told me that I had to make up the sick leave days I had in October. He tells me that I had to do it after my contract expired. I basically told him to take a hike and that he should have arranged the weekend activities like he did with the other teacher. He goes on and on about me not having the sick days but never arranges for me to make up the days. Two months go by when I could have made up the time and now these fuckers are waiting till the 99th hour. Then he tells me that they aren't able to schedule anything for me before the end of the semester. He said that I could either work it after the contract expiration or they could work out the exact amount I owe and give me the difference. I told him to give me the motha fucken difference. I ain't staying here any longer than I have to. I understand that I don't have any sick days in my contract, but to hear this fucker tell it, it's like my contract says that I can't get sick.
Tomorrow, I plan on picking up my pay and going straight to the travel agent. I can't afford to waste any time in getting my ticket. I'm already pushing it as it is. My contract is set to expire on Jan 15th which happens to be a Thursday. I want to be on a plane to Canada on the 16th. I'll try my best and see what I can get. If I leave on the 16th or the 17th, all is good with the world. If I get a flight leaving on the 18th or 19th, I may take a day trip to Hangzhou before I leave. My main focus though, is getting outta here. Not including tomorrow, I owe these people 12 days of work and that's my countdown.
So that's the scoop for now. Wishing everyone a happy new year and I can't wait to see you when I get home.
First things first, I had a class with Kid Castle 2 Saturdays ago. It was barely worth the money. I was beyond exhausted and it was students that I'd taught before and wasn't looking forward to teaching again. I got "sick" half way during the day and bolted outta there.
At the kindergarten, it looks like I'm being watched there now. The main teacher is watching the time I arrive at her class and the one next door to her. Yesterday she told me that I didn't arrive at 11:10 but I got there at 11:12. I told her I was wiling to stay the extra 2 minutes if absolutely necessary. She said no but you could tell it bothered her. The way I see it, if you don't want me to stay the 2 minutes, why mention it? Why is it even an issue?
Yesterday, the middle school had their show. I had no idea it was something that was going to be done on such a large scale. This is where our Cinderella story came in. I watched some of the other acts and it was pretty good. For our play, we had 2 boys play the ugly step-sisters. This was priceless! Although, one of the boys seemed a little too "comfortable" in his dress (if you catch my drift). The other boy is just such a funny guy that the whole thing worked. I was surprised at the overall talent of some of the students at the school. All in all, it wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be.
Well, I was pretty down in the dumps since my boss denied me the time off to go to Wuhan and spend Christmas with friends. You know, I didn't really believe in Christmas miracles until recently. I was bummed because I had to work over Christmas but I guess because I believed that I shouldn't have, it was like a Christmas wish......and it came true. The unfortunate thing about this Christmas wish is that it wasn't all "Tiny Tim can walk now" or "That kid spoke for the first time in 5 years". In fact my wish was granted to me in the most disgusting way possible. So you must be wondering, what is the one thing that can give me Christmas day off guilt free? Well that would be a wicked case of coming-out-of-both-ends-iosis. There's a little restaurant around the corner from my place. I eat there maybe once or twice a week. On Christmas Eve, I picked up some food and apparently picked up a bit of food poisoning too. I spent all night with the porcelain god and it wasn't pretty. By morning I was a mess. Then, so as not to give my boss any doubt, I dragged myself to work. I got there and couldn't go anymore. The principal had to get a student's parent to drive me back to the subway station so that I could go back home. Who would have thunk it? I didn't want to work for Christmas, I was denied the time off and I got Christmas off anyways. Later on Christmas day, Klaver came over, we did our gift exchange, watched a Christmas movie and spent some time together but I had to tuck in pretty early in order to get enough rest to be able to work the next day.
Charles told me that I had to make up the sick leave days I had in October. He tells me that I had to do it after my contract expired. I basically told him to take a hike and that he should have arranged the weekend activities like he did with the other teacher. He goes on and on about me not having the sick days but never arranges for me to make up the days. Two months go by when I could have made up the time and now these fuckers are waiting till the 99th hour. Then he tells me that they aren't able to schedule anything for me before the end of the semester. He said that I could either work it after the contract expiration or they could work out the exact amount I owe and give me the difference. I told him to give me the motha fucken difference. I ain't staying here any longer than I have to. I understand that I don't have any sick days in my contract, but to hear this fucker tell it, it's like my contract says that I can't get sick.
Tomorrow, I plan on picking up my pay and going straight to the travel agent. I can't afford to waste any time in getting my ticket. I'm already pushing it as it is. My contract is set to expire on Jan 15th which happens to be a Thursday. I want to be on a plane to Canada on the 16th. I'll try my best and see what I can get. If I leave on the 16th or the 17th, all is good with the world. If I get a flight leaving on the 18th or 19th, I may take a day trip to Hangzhou before I leave. My main focus though, is getting outta here. Not including tomorrow, I owe these people 12 days of work and that's my countdown.
So that's the scoop for now. Wishing everyone a happy new year and I can't wait to see you when I get home.