Sunday, March 04, 2007

One flew over the cukoo's nest

So I finally saw the new girl at our meeting on Wednesday. First impressions….. she kinda looked like a nerd. Anyway, the day before school opened we figured that it would be nice to invite the new people to join us for dinner. The couple had plans but the new girl, Sara, was happy to join us. At dinner we enjoyed ourselves as we normally do and occasionally we had questions for our new recruit. Then it was Sara that had all the questions. Her questions went from typical to interesting to downright disturbing and it only got weirder as the evening went on. I couldn’t even think of repeating it here so you’ll just have to trust me. Also, as we normally do, we have a few beers with dinner. Sara took this as an opportunity to show us her chugging skills and sucked her beer back like she was Hoover vacuum cleaner. Lillis was disturbed by why she would do that and I was also questioning that move. Heck, we’re just having dinner, no need to go overboard.
Anyway, that night, we somehow had this impromptu party in my room. On Tuesday, we wanted to have our “last night” party but it fell through and on Wednesday we knew that we all had to get up early and didn’t want to party but somehow this party happened anyways. Everyone was in there, we’re all drinking and having a good time. It was as if there was no next day of school. Anyway as the evening moved on we discovered a few more disturbing things about Sara. Then she left the room for the night. As soon as she was gone, she was the main topic of conversation and has been ever since. Apparently, she went out with the boys on Friday night to Vox and was involved in some very odd dancing rituals. It was the kind of thing that the boys described as ‘you had to be there to truly believe it’. Since I’m a huge fan of seeing is believing, I decided that I would go out with them and her the next night. Well I came and I saw but I still don’t believe. Unfortunately I can’t really describe it but Moose sums up her dancing as “I’m this creature, come and catch me”. People cleared the dance floor in an attempt to give her the room she apparently needed. Some people took pictures in disbelief. A few of my friends came up to Matty stix and I at one point and were asking who this girl was. Matty stix and I just replied that she was new at our school, she’d only been in town for 4 days and we really didn’t know her. Since Sara has joined us here in China, it’s been one weird/disturbing/odd move after another. I don’t believe that she’s a bad person or an evil person but she is doing so much to try and fit in with us, that sometimes it’s a bit sad and it also makes me question what she may have gone through. She must have a sad history or few friends growing up or even to present day, if she’s trying so hard to desperately fit in with a bunch of strangers. She’s trying to be on the same level that we’re all at now but doesn’t seem to understand that she can’t and that it took time for us to get here and it would take time for her to be at the same place. For now, I plan on keeping my distance and just being pleasant.
I have to admit, what we all have here is an amazing thing and the friendships that have been made here, will last for years to come. Unfortunately, the couple and Sara are unlikely to be a part of that.



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