I'm a lucky gal - An Ode to Friendship
Why you may ask? Well I have two of the most amazing best friends anyone could have in the world. I was very lucky to meet both of them and to still have them in my life.
Back story: Tricia-Leigh
I met Tricia through my theatre group back in 1998. We were both skiddish about each other but on many an occasion we had to work together so we hung out. We then became good friends and found that we had a lot in common and could laugh at the same things. Tricia had another part of her though. This person was a princess and insisted that everyone do her bidding and be at her every beck and call. This princess had a very sly and whinning way of getting things done and soon you fell under her spell saying yes to her every command. Then one day I woke up, and realized that there was another option to her requests. I realized that you could say no to her. To her shock, horror and surprise, someone actually uttered this word. We have been best friends ever since. Me, the first person to say no to her. It was something she had to respect. Even though our best friend relationship was solidified only a few months before I left for China. When I came back, it was like I never left. Sometimes I feel like I've known her for decades. We have done so much together and been through alot as well, both individually and together that I couldn't see my life without her. I truly hope that we can remain the friends that we are for a very long time, if not the rest of our lives.
Back story: Chetan
I met Chetan in the summer of 1999 while we were both working at Paramount Canada's Wonderland. Him and I just hit it off almost immedeately. After we both left Wonderland, we kept in touch and once again discovered that we had a lot in common and could laugh at the same things. One of the biggest things that moved our relationship was the fact that we were both and still are, huge fans of Seinfeld. I can't say I know exactly when we became best friends. It wasn't that much longer after we met. I guess it just kinda happened subtly and overnight (if that is at all possible) but once again, I couldn't see my life without him in it. Mind you, him and I don't see very much of each other. I'm lucky if I see him once or twice a year but when we do see each other it's as if we never parted. We still laugh at the same jokes that seem to get funnier every time we tell them and we also find new ways to entertain each other. He is another person that I would like to remain friends with for a very long time, if not the rest of our lives.
I'm not particularly lucky in the love department but sometimes I think, with friends like these, who needs a boyfriend. I have found 2 of the greatest human beings in the world and they are friends with me and if I had a boyfriend and he couldn't accept that, then he would have to take a hike, because there is no way that I would give up Tricia or Chetan.
So that's a bit of my story.
No regrets and who's Carm?
Back story: Tricia-Leigh
I met Tricia through my theatre group back in 1998. We were both skiddish about each other but on many an occasion we had to work together so we hung out. We then became good friends and found that we had a lot in common and could laugh at the same things. Tricia had another part of her though. This person was a princess and insisted that everyone do her bidding and be at her every beck and call. This princess had a very sly and whinning way of getting things done and soon you fell under her spell saying yes to her every command. Then one day I woke up, and realized that there was another option to her requests. I realized that you could say no to her. To her shock, horror and surprise, someone actually uttered this word. We have been best friends ever since. Me, the first person to say no to her. It was something she had to respect. Even though our best friend relationship was solidified only a few months before I left for China. When I came back, it was like I never left. Sometimes I feel like I've known her for decades. We have done so much together and been through alot as well, both individually and together that I couldn't see my life without her. I truly hope that we can remain the friends that we are for a very long time, if not the rest of our lives.
Back story: Chetan
I met Chetan in the summer of 1999 while we were both working at Paramount Canada's Wonderland. Him and I just hit it off almost immedeately. After we both left Wonderland, we kept in touch and once again discovered that we had a lot in common and could laugh at the same things. One of the biggest things that moved our relationship was the fact that we were both and still are, huge fans of Seinfeld. I can't say I know exactly when we became best friends. It wasn't that much longer after we met. I guess it just kinda happened subtly and overnight (if that is at all possible) but once again, I couldn't see my life without him in it. Mind you, him and I don't see very much of each other. I'm lucky if I see him once or twice a year but when we do see each other it's as if we never parted. We still laugh at the same jokes that seem to get funnier every time we tell them and we also find new ways to entertain each other. He is another person that I would like to remain friends with for a very long time, if not the rest of our lives.
I'm not particularly lucky in the love department but sometimes I think, with friends like these, who needs a boyfriend. I have found 2 of the greatest human beings in the world and they are friends with me and if I had a boyfriend and he couldn't accept that, then he would have to take a hike, because there is no way that I would give up Tricia or Chetan.
So that's a bit of my story.
No regrets and who's Carm?