Flip the script
Ok, so I had my first 2 classes this weekend and there is a lot of info that is thrown at you. My instructor is a really nice girl but unfortunately I have a few weird freaks in my class. I'm not really going to go in too much detail about the course itself because it mostly focuses on being a teacher and how to create lesson plans and how to keep control of the class and engaging the students and all that. So instead, I'll focus on some of the freaks that are in my class.
The first guy I met is actually I good guy but seems to be very spontaneous. He looks like a young Leo Dicaprio. On the morning of the first day, we chat for a bit and he then asks me what the course entails. This was info I knew for a long time because I went to the info session and I went to the website that listed the course details. He then says to me that he just signed up for the class the day before because he thought it would be interesting but he really didn't know what he was getting into. Ok.
Then there is this guy named Brian. He's actually from Arizona and is staying at the UofT campus for the duration of the course. All I gotta say for him is "the lights are on but nobody's home. Either they ain't home or they've been drugged and are all knocked out." First of all he looks like the stereotypical nerd, so I have no clue how he's going to control a class. Another classmate and I think he might have A.D.D. And when he sits at his desk he takes his shoes off and sits with his legs crossed and then walks around the class with no shoes on. But the thing that killed me the most about him was the fact that he got lost. Not once but twice. The first time he was standing about 15 feet away from the classroom door and said that he needed my help finding the class 'cause he has no clue where it is. Ok. Then we were coming back from lunch and we're all walking towards the class door and he walks right by it as we're going in. I don't get that. If you think you're going to get lost, why don't you remember the room number so that you could just look for it next time? Then there is another guy that looks to be about 18 or 19 who always looks like he's sleeping and/or has no interest in what's going on in the class. Why is he there then? Why did he pay almost $800 to be there? I suppose we'll never know.
Now Sunday was a little rough for me because I went to bed at about 2:30 am and then woke up at 7am. I was at the year end party that my theatre group has and I was really enjoying myself. The way I figured, it was my last time to have fun with that group of theatre friends so I really wanted to enjoy it. And boy did I ever, but that's a tale for a different forum. Anyway, I wouldn't say I was hung over because I didn't feel sick or anything and I didn't have a headache, but let's just say I wasn't at my best and I was very tired. I didn't really absorb much and I just dragged through the day. But I did make it through and Brian got lost again. Also 2 girls had dropped out of the class. Reason? They themselves have not mastered the english language so I have no fucking clue how they expect to teach it! On Sunday these 2 chicks are there but during conversations they are quiet and when they do speak it's in broken english. What made them think that they could teach english? We'll never know but why would you spend almost $800 and be ready to part with it so easily. In their defense the course is very intense and you have to have a command of all parts of the english language and be able to speak it clearly. Then all the technicalities of english are important including all the tenses and grammar, especially grammar. So no big surprise that they dropped out. They still need to be on the other end of the ESL experience.
But this blog is long enough...... I just have to say that I originally figured that I would go to nursing school after I got back and get my bachelor of science in nursing. And nursing is the kind of thing that can be done anywhere in the world but I have to admit, the sciences and biology and all that were never my fave subjects. Plus dead bodies irk me, and that was always a fear of mine. that I may have had to just deal with. But teaching is just as flexible (in terms of it can be done anywhere). It is also something I like doing (hence the reason for taking this adventure) and it is something I can see myself doing in the future. Also there are more advantages in teaching, ie. no shift work, weekends and summers off etc. My instructor even told me that doing this counts as experience and teachers college will credit you for it. So I'm flipping my life script again but it's all a positive thing baby. So when I come back from China, I'll either be going to school for nursing or teaching.
So that's it for now. As usual, I will keep you "posted".
The first guy I met is actually I good guy but seems to be very spontaneous. He looks like a young Leo Dicaprio. On the morning of the first day, we chat for a bit and he then asks me what the course entails. This was info I knew for a long time because I went to the info session and I went to the website that listed the course details. He then says to me that he just signed up for the class the day before because he thought it would be interesting but he really didn't know what he was getting into. Ok.
Then there is this guy named Brian. He's actually from Arizona and is staying at the UofT campus for the duration of the course. All I gotta say for him is "the lights are on but nobody's home. Either they ain't home or they've been drugged and are all knocked out." First of all he looks like the stereotypical nerd, so I have no clue how he's going to control a class. Another classmate and I think he might have A.D.D. And when he sits at his desk he takes his shoes off and sits with his legs crossed and then walks around the class with no shoes on. But the thing that killed me the most about him was the fact that he got lost. Not once but twice. The first time he was standing about 15 feet away from the classroom door and said that he needed my help finding the class 'cause he has no clue where it is. Ok. Then we were coming back from lunch and we're all walking towards the class door and he walks right by it as we're going in. I don't get that. If you think you're going to get lost, why don't you remember the room number so that you could just look for it next time? Then there is another guy that looks to be about 18 or 19 who always looks like he's sleeping and/or has no interest in what's going on in the class. Why is he there then? Why did he pay almost $800 to be there? I suppose we'll never know.
Now Sunday was a little rough for me because I went to bed at about 2:30 am and then woke up at 7am. I was at the year end party that my theatre group has and I was really enjoying myself. The way I figured, it was my last time to have fun with that group of theatre friends so I really wanted to enjoy it. And boy did I ever, but that's a tale for a different forum. Anyway, I wouldn't say I was hung over because I didn't feel sick or anything and I didn't have a headache, but let's just say I wasn't at my best and I was very tired. I didn't really absorb much and I just dragged through the day. But I did make it through and Brian got lost again. Also 2 girls had dropped out of the class. Reason? They themselves have not mastered the english language so I have no fucking clue how they expect to teach it! On Sunday these 2 chicks are there but during conversations they are quiet and when they do speak it's in broken english. What made them think that they could teach english? We'll never know but why would you spend almost $800 and be ready to part with it so easily. In their defense the course is very intense and you have to have a command of all parts of the english language and be able to speak it clearly. Then all the technicalities of english are important including all the tenses and grammar, especially grammar. So no big surprise that they dropped out. They still need to be on the other end of the ESL experience.
But this blog is long enough...... I just have to say that I originally figured that I would go to nursing school after I got back and get my bachelor of science in nursing. And nursing is the kind of thing that can be done anywhere in the world but I have to admit, the sciences and biology and all that were never my fave subjects. Plus dead bodies irk me, and that was always a fear of mine. that I may have had to just deal with. But teaching is just as flexible (in terms of it can be done anywhere). It is also something I like doing (hence the reason for taking this adventure) and it is something I can see myself doing in the future. Also there are more advantages in teaching, ie. no shift work, weekends and summers off etc. My instructor even told me that doing this counts as experience and teachers college will credit you for it. So I'm flipping my life script again but it's all a positive thing baby. So when I come back from China, I'll either be going to school for nursing or teaching.
So that's it for now. As usual, I will keep you "posted".
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