Friday, September 12, 2008

You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you might find, you get what you need.

Well this week had it's ups and downs but at least it ended on an up note. I managed to have a good class at the middle school yesterday. The kids were pretty good and actually had a sense of humour that I could deal with. I gave them the last ten minutes of class to do as they wanted (I didn't feel like doing anything), but I told them that they had to stay quiet. After a few, they started to get loud and one boy was singing. I told him that since he was singing, that maybe he should come up in front and sing for everyone. Reluctantly he came up and asked me if he could sing a Chinese song. I refused and demanded that the song be in English. After all this is English class. He tells me he's gonna rap and then he gets to it. At first, I didn't know what he was going on about and then after a while I got. He was singing Eminem. To everyone's surprised I joined in. They loved it. The bell rang and we all had a good laugh.
Then I got a message from Charles that he was gonna come to my class to have an "inspection" on Friday. So today I got to class and I put on the show. I was everything they wanted me to be. I was the performing monkey. After class, I got the "suggestions". It wasn't as bad as I thought it was but I did make Charles see that every class can't be a game or a show. At some point I have to sit down and teach something. So we've come to an understanding. I told him that he gave me the impression that I had to make every class a game. He says, that this isn't what he meant. In any event, now I can have the balance that I don't mind having. I can teach at some point and then sometimes we can play games to reinforce the lesson. For me, this works out alot better since I don't like having to be this performing monkey for every class and I can be the English teacher that I'm certified to be. So things are starting to look up. What I was happy about too, was that he got the opportunity to see that the kids do "please, please love me"
In other positive news, Monday is a holiday so I'm gonna try my best to enjoy the long weekend.
We'll see how it goes. Maybe Klaver and I will do something.



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