Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bizarro World

I don't care what anyone says, in my opinion this is bizarro world. In Canada and America, the number to dial for emergencies is 911. Here it's 119. Day is night. Up is down (remember your Bugs Bunny cartoons). Another example, October is approaching. Normally the weather gets cooler around this time. In this country, it's actually been getting hotter. The days are getting hotter and hotter and even more and more humid. Just about everything is weirdly opposite over here. Anyways, enough ranting.
In other news, I let my class go early today. My last class (which is two periods long) was going down the tubes anyways. Half the class didn't show up and the ones that were there weren't very interested in learning. I gave them an in class assignment and told them to be quiet while doing it. I don't know if it was the heat or if I was just bored out of mind but after the first period I had had enough. I told them that if they didn't tell anyone, they could leave early. I told them if anyone asked, we went downstairs to have an English corner. They were happy to leave and so was I. I bolted outta there like I was breaking out of prison. At first I was a bit concerned that someone would have found out and I would have gotten into trouble but after a while, I really didn't care. These kids have no want to learn, which gives me very little want to teach. In fact, I don't even know why I'm there. Only 3 and a half more months of this (insert sarcastic yay here).



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