This is at Ruby Falls (if any of you have been paying attention, you would know that I went there and had a fabulous time) This is one of the underground rock formations. This one felt like glass and it had a translucent look to it as well. To refresh your memory Ruby falls itself is a 145 foot waterfall located just under 300 feet of Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN.

This was another area with rock formations. This was pretty cool, literally. It was about 60 degrees farenheit under there.

Yet another area we were walking through. I had to add this pic though because you get a great shot of my fine ass. BTW, the lady and the guy in front of me had 2 annoying children that we were forced to follow the entire way to the falls. The son (not seen in pic) kept singing this annoying song and the daughter (held by the father) kept crying. On our way back out, we ditched them so that we could follow some other, less annoying people.

These were some other natural rock formations. They actually looked like steak and potatoes. It is amazing how nature can sometimes imitate life and I guess in some cases vice versa. There were other areas where rock formations looked like other things but they didn't come out very well in the pics.

This is one of my favourite pics! If you've ever travelled through the states, (by bus or car) you'll know that they have rest areas. A place where you could get out, stretch your legs, all that good stuff. In most cases, upon freshly entering a state, within a mile or 2 of the state line, there is a welcome center that is also a rest area. They would have bathrooms and vending machines and an area where you can let your pets out (on a leash of course) so that they too can stretch their legs. We stopped at this particular rest area just after entering Ohio. I'm glad to know that the state of Ohio knows how to spell excercise. Take a good look at the sign. The thing about it is, someone, tried to spell check the sign with lipstick, but they too got the spelling wrong. They crossed out the first 'c' and then tried to indicate that a 'c' belonged between the 'r' and the 'i'. While this is correct, crossing out the first 'c' (as we are all aware) is incorrect. The sign actually reads "PET EXCERISE AREA".
Anyway, that's my trip. I hope you enjoyed the pics. Tomorrow, I'll get you up to date on my job search progress.
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