A small scoop but a scoop nonetheless
Well I had my interview today, and it went.......well. The girl seemed very pleasant and I think I made a good impression. The only problem is, positions aren't going to open up till end of August. This helps me how? Even if they do take me on at the end of August, there is still time that would be necessary for training and all that, that is not time working. I suppose if nothing happens and they do offer me a job, then I'll take it. But this is also dependent on when my contract starts. If I have a contract that requires me to start soon after Labour day then there is no point, however if there is a contract that starts end of September then I'd consider taking the job. I don't know, I'm still undecided.
I was hoping that getting an interview would get my foot in the door and I could start working by mid next week or something but, I guess not.
Speaking of my contract, everything has been sent in and I should be hearing from the contact in China before the end of the week. So hopefully I'll be getting some good news soon. After I get a contract solidified I would have a better idea of how to plan my things. I want to have a gathering or a party prior to my leaving so that I can have some time with friends before I go.
Right now, even with all the crap I'm going through, I'm still looking forward to renn fest starting.
Actually I have to get it out of my mind that it's not really called renn fest anymore and the town is no longer Trillingham. It is now called the Royal Abingdon Renaissance Faire and the town is Abingdon. So I guess I can call it renn faire instead. Anyway, I know there are a few of you who have been wondering about it and have been looking forward to coming out. If you visit www.ontariorenaissancefaire.ca you get the scoop on the faire, directions on how to get there and all the good stuff to offer. I should let you know that things will be different from how it has been in the past (for anyone who has visited before). We are at the Royal Botanical Gardens' (RBG) Aboretum. At the Aboretum itself there is little to no parking for visitors but at the RBG there is much parking and a double decker shuttle bus between RBG and the Aboretum. Only down side is that you gotta pay for parking. It's not much but it does suck a little. But I should let you know as well that if you do come to visit us, it will definitely be worth it, especially for guys. Trips to the mother land are always free and if you don't know what they are, come on down and find out. You won't regret it! (<--- hint, hint, shameless self promotion)
Anyway, like I said, I should be hearing from the contact in China soon and hopefully that means that I'll have a job in a Chinese school in September.
As usual, I will keep you posted,
I was hoping that getting an interview would get my foot in the door and I could start working by mid next week or something but, I guess not.
Speaking of my contract, everything has been sent in and I should be hearing from the contact in China before the end of the week. So hopefully I'll be getting some good news soon. After I get a contract solidified I would have a better idea of how to plan my things. I want to have a gathering or a party prior to my leaving so that I can have some time with friends before I go.
Right now, even with all the crap I'm going through, I'm still looking forward to renn fest starting.
Actually I have to get it out of my mind that it's not really called renn fest anymore and the town is no longer Trillingham. It is now called the Royal Abingdon Renaissance Faire and the town is Abingdon. So I guess I can call it renn faire instead. Anyway, I know there are a few of you who have been wondering about it and have been looking forward to coming out. If you visit www.ontariorenaissancefaire.ca you get the scoop on the faire, directions on how to get there and all the good stuff to offer. I should let you know that things will be different from how it has been in the past (for anyone who has visited before). We are at the Royal Botanical Gardens' (RBG) Aboretum. At the Aboretum itself there is little to no parking for visitors but at the RBG there is much parking and a double decker shuttle bus between RBG and the Aboretum. Only down side is that you gotta pay for parking. It's not much but it does suck a little. But I should let you know as well that if you do come to visit us, it will definitely be worth it, especially for guys. Trips to the mother land are always free and if you don't know what they are, come on down and find out. You won't regret it! (<--- hint, hint, shameless self promotion)
Anyway, like I said, I should be hearing from the contact in China soon and hopefully that means that I'll have a job in a Chinese school in September.
As usual, I will keep you posted,
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